Your Piece in My Intentional Design

1 Corinthians 12:18 (GW) So God put each and every part of the body together as he wanted it.

Beloved, no detail escapes My notice. I AM intricate with My design. Each gifting given with intention. Each calling bestowed with purpose. What I have planned for you is not too big or too small, nor does it matter how it compares to anyone else’s. Each piece is vital. Every person important. The primary aim being each person’s heart and obedience to Me, and secondarily their love for each other.

Gifts are given for the purpose of expanding the Kingdom. Their purpose corporate not for the building up of the one who possesses it. Refuse to allow pride. Resist the temptation to judge with human eyes remembering I AM one who leaves the 99 to chase the one.

Each detail – each gift – is important because I have designed each one with a purpose. If you reach hundreds through your flesh, but miss the one I created you to reach because you judged with human eyes rather than yielding to My plan, you will not have succeeded. Be intentional about fulfilling your part of the greater plan – My plan. The full picture of the puzzle is only complete when every piece – regardless of size – has come into place.

So let go of any expectations, refuse to allow human judgments to encourage or discourage, and simply be intentional about yielding to Me and My plans. They are good. They are intentional. And you and your piece are key.

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