Let Righteousness Be Your Reward

Luke 18:9 (VOICE) He told another parable—this one addressed to people who were confident in their self-righteousness and looked down on other people with disgust.

Beloved, your identity is firmly rooted in Me. You have no need of posturing and in fact I will bring the effects of any such attempts to naught. I AM the one who gives honor, do not try to grab it for yourself – especially at the expense of others – rather trust Me to protect your good name.

Walk in humility. Refuse to be baited into fruitless bickering, but instead shift the atmosphere by responding in love and grace. Allow the fruit of the Spirit to pour from your life. Turn the other cheek. Remember each time you sacrifice the desires of your flesh it is an offering before My throne and its fragrance is exceedingly sweet to Me. Let righteousness be your reward.

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