Galatians 1:10 (VOICE) Do you think I care about the approval of men or about the approval of God? Do you think I am on a mission to please people? If I am still spinning my wheels trying to please men, then there is no way I can be a servant of the Anointed One, the Liberating King.
Beloved, be free from the desire for the approval of man. For if you are driven by their fickle opinions, your goal will be an ever moving target. If you allow their praise to build you, remember in due season you will deal with their criticism, which often is unfounded and rooted in wrong motives, for I AM the only righteous judge. Would you give them such power over you?
Longing for their praise gives them far more influence in your life than is right or good for your heart. Focus your energy on being a God-pleaser. Play to an audience of One. Allow My praise and judgment to guide your actions, for My expectations are made clear in My word and you have the support of My Spirit to walk them out. Keep your heart fixed on Me and trust Me to rightly guide you. I will not steer you wrong.
Amen, and thank you! The timing of this was perfect. This has come up before but I had a chance to apply it in a different context.