Roadblocks and Inconveniences

Hosea 2:6 (CSB) Therefore, this is what I will do: I will block her way with thorns; I will enclose her with a wall, so that she cannot find her paths.

Beloved, I will not make it easy for you to walk away from Me, nor will I make the road to sin smooth. Like a good father putting up child gates and closing doors, I will block the way that takes you from My will. I will add roadblocks and inconveniences to block your way in an effort to make you pause and see what you’re doing.

Yes, you have free will, and I would never take that from you, but I love you too much to make the path to things that hurt you an easy one to choose. I will do all I can to encourage you to change your mind and choose wisely.

So if you find yourself hindered in every direction, beloved, give pause and look to Me. Don’t assume the enemy is blocking your path because sometimes it is Me.

Numbers 22:21-31 (VOICE) So when morning came, Balaam got his donkey ready. He set out with the Moabite elders. Nevertheless, God was angry that Balaam was going. He sent His own messenger as an adversary to stand in Balaam’s way, blocking the prophet’s path. Now Balaam was riding on his donkey, and he had two servants too. But it was the donkey who saw the Eternal’s messenger standing in the road with a sword in his hand, drawn and ready. The donkey went off the road and into the field, and Balaam, not seeing the messenger as his donkey had, hit the beast to drive it back onto the road; but then the messenger of the Eternal stood in the narrow walkway separating two vineyards, and there was a wall on either side. Spooked by the Eternal’s messenger, the donkey pressed herself against one of the walls, trapping Balaam’s foot. Balaam hit her again. The Eternal’s messenger got ahead of them again and faced them in a narrow spot where they had no way to avoid him. This time, the donkey, seeing the Eternal’s messenger, just lay down, Balaam still sitting on top. Balaam was furious, and he beat the beast with a rod. But the Eternal One gave the donkey the ability to speak. Donkey (to Balaam): What have I done to you that you would hit me three times? Balaam: You’ve made me look stupid! If I’d had a sword, I’d have killed you by now! Donkey: Aren’t I the very same donkey you’ve always ridden? Have I ever been disloyal or hurt you? Balaam: No. At that point, the Eternal opened the eyes of Balaam to see His messenger standing in the road, sword drawn. Balaam bowed low to the ground, lying with his face in the dirt.

[Lunchtime Live: Inspired Flow Art tote called Hidden Treasure, Prophetic Nugget called Roadblocks and Inconveniences (this one), a Dyed4you Art piece called Hedged In (and Fiercely Jealous Lover large handled fish 🐠 5mm bendie flags, which reminded me of a post from my personal blog My Jealous Lover & Psalm 32), and ministry with a regular bendie flag (8mm aka “standard” weight silk) called My Path. And a pair of handled, large long bendie flag with a fishtail (5mm aka “light” weight silk) called Made Clean. Background music is from Music to Pray By.]

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