Psalm 118:25 (TPT) O God, please come and save us again; bring us your breakthrough-victory!
Beloved, cry out, “Hosanna!” Cry out for salvation of the lost, for the broken and weary to come home. Refuse to grow weary in your intercession, and be relentless in your pleas. For I will not turn a deaf ear to your petitions, nor will I neglect to answer your call.
Beloved, cry out, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” Give honor to the One who was slain. Rejoice in His holy sacrifice, and the victory it has already won. Call out “Hosanna in the highest!” Welcome the heavenly hosts to join your praise. Rejoice for salvation is won – it is coming, and, lo, it is already here.
Matthew 21:9 (TPT) Jesus rode in the center of the procession—crowds going before him and crowds coming behind him, and they all shouted, “Bring the victory, Lord, Son of David! He comes with the blessings of being sent from the Lord Yahweh! We celebrate with praises to God in the highest!”
Mark 11:9 (TPT) Jesus rode in the center of the procession, with crowds going before him and behind him. They all shouted in celebration, “Bring the victory! We welcome the one coming with the blessings of being sent from the Lord Yahweh!
I have a flute named hosanna. Save we pray thee.