Fields of Glory

Psalm 96:6 (TPT) Breathtaking brilliance and awe-inspiring majesty radiate from his shining presence. His stunning beauty overwhelms all who come before him.

Beloved, abide in My presence. Be overcome by My glory. Allow the beauty of My majesty to stir within you greatness and inspiration. Let My anointing drip down like rain from heaven over you – saturating and bringing life. 

Reflect Me, precious one. You are made in My image. My children stand like fields of glory reflecting My face and bearing My name. Refuse to hold back. Choose to be who I made you to be, for you are lovely beyond description and Mine forevermore. 

4 Replies to “Fields of Glory”

  1. Love this one! It captures that glimpse of radiance and glory I feel in worship at times, but have a hard time putting that sense into words.

  2. I really needed this today. Although my faith never wavers, I will admit…I am battle weary. I almost feel like I have no fight left in me. It’s even hard to pray, BUT, I know He is greater. I just need to keep pressing into Him. I feel like something is about to birth and I cannot wait to testify to His goodness and glorify His name.

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