Psalm 84:2 (VOICE) How I long to be there —my soul is spent, wanting, waiting to walk in the courts of the Eternal. My whole being sings joyfully to the living God.
Beloved, spend your life in a place of worship. Dwell in there. Draw heaven into earth. Be a portal – a vessel for Me to flow through. Allow Me to change the world through you.
As you yield your heart of worship, watch as I fling wide the windows of heaven and pour forth that which you have not known and cannot explain. Be ready to receive, beloved, for what I have in store is good.
Lunchtime Live: The Power of Praise
- Show and tell: Inspired Flow Art pendant called Light Birthing, Chronicles of the Treasury from Codye Reystead of 2911 the Treasury, and gift silks
- Dyed4you Art: Portals of Praise
- Prophetic Nugget: Be a Portal
- Dyed4you silk: Fearsome Praise
- Other stuff: MeghanW post called Not Speaking on Behalf of other gods (Exodus 23:13)
- Music: Background music is from Music to Pray By
Oh how I need to get back into worship.