Do Not Be Distracted By the “Good”

Psalm 127:1 (VOICE) Unless the Eternal builds the house, those who labor to raise it will have worked for nothing. Unless the Eternal stands watch over the city, those who guard it have wasted their time.

Beloved, don’t waste your efforts on things I have not called you to, expending your energy and leaving yourself too worn out to complete the tasks to which you have been assigned.  If the enemy cannot stop you from doing good, he will try to deplete your energy and divide your vision by putting “good” things in your path to keep you from the things I have called you to put your efforts and energy to. Stick to your call. Stay aligned with My perfect will. There will always be more “good” things to turn your time and efforts to than you could possibly begin to complete.

Do not be distracted or emotionally manipulated into doing things I have not called you to. In doing these things not only to you misuse the resources I’ve given you, but you block the path of the one I HAVE called to do that “good” thing. So step out of the way. Be ok with saying no – trusting that all those involved want you only where I want you and if they don’t, THEY are out of alignment, not you – that isn’t for you to fix. You leading by example that following My will and trusting Me to put everyone in their right place encourages others to do the same.

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