Trust in Me and Soar

Isaiah 40:31 (VOICE) But those who trust in the Eternal One will regain their strength. They will soar on wings as eagles. They will run—never winded, never weary. They will walk—never tired, never faint.

Beloved, soar with Me. If you are feeling weary or faint, lean more on Me – I can take it and I want to take it. I AM your stronghold, your strong tower, your place of safety and rest. Lean on Me and trust in Me. As you press in and trust Me more and more you are strengthened because I AM your strength.

Yield to My flow and soar with Me. As you trust Me and trust My direction, I will lead you how and where you need. The enemy wants you wasting time on things I have not called you to, allowing the “good” to steal your time and energy so the “best” never has its moment to come. He always tries to wear you out, but that is not of Me. Even I chose rest on the sabbath. Everything in its time and season, trust Me to know the flow.

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