Beloved, dwell not on the things of the past. Instead look forward to the future with joy and contentment. Let your passion arise and see how my favor opens many doors for you. Cease to walk in fear. You will not be abandoned. You will see fresh fruit and new wine pouring out of you. Circumstances may not appear favorable but see what I will do. I will part the Red Sea. I will align hearts and pathways to intersect and come into union with you. You will be given strategies to overcome and prevail against the winds and waves that come. You stand in peace and will command peace. Peace I speak over you and I give you that same authority to declare it in every situation.
Breathe my life, my heart, my passion for the world into every part of you. Exhale all fears, doubts, and worries. Show up. Show off. Display my glory to the nations. Display my power to my children. Glorify Me. Glorify Me. Glorify Me that I may be known among the nations.
Little children come to Me desperate for love and undivided attention. Give it to them. Pour forth My love and see how I return it ten fold to you and your kin. Revel in my love and passion for you. This love is not just for the world. It is for you.
Song- deep and wide, deep and wide there is a fountain flowing deep and wide
Access the fountain that is never ending.
Beloved, stir up your gifts. Stir up what I have placed inside of you. Stir up that which I have given you. Refuse fear. Stir up courage. Stir up boldness to activate what I have given you. Truth. Be still and know. Be still and know Me. Know I have everything in hand. Resist the desire to take my order and rearrange it. My order is Heavenly arranged. It does not move in the worldly order.