The glory of the throne room exists outside of space and time, beloved. The door in the spirit realm stands open – waiting, an invitation for you to step in. Immerse yourself in My presence. Saturate yourself in My glory.
Value Me – value My presence – as the greatest gift imaginable. Just as I have held nothing back in My pursuit of you, hold nothing back in your pursuit of Me. Value Me as the rarest of gems and sacrifice all to have Me. I AM worth the cost.
{Vision} seeing a gem in the hand of the Lord. It is brilliant and appears to be glowing from within it’s so radiant. He is turning it in His hand and appreciating its beauty from every angle.
Father is saying you are inherently valuable, but the radiance comes as a reflection of Him – Him in you. Like the glow-in-the-dark stars you can stick on your ceiling, which require time in the light to glow and remain dull and lifeless if they don’t soak in the light, so you must take the time to be saturated in His presence that your countenance may glow like Moses’ did when he spent time face-to-face with God.
And just as the Lord is holding you and looking at you from every angle and appreciating each facet, so you must not assume because you’ve gained a certain understanding of God that you “know” Him. There is always more to know – new facets to explore. Take the time and expend the effort. He is worth it! Search Him out, for He desires to be known.
Matthew 13:45-46 (VOICE) Or the kingdom of heaven is like a jeweler on the lookout for the finest pearls. When he found a pearl more beautiful and valuable than any jewel he had ever seen, the jeweler sold all he had and bought that pearl, his pearl of great price.
Exodus 34:29 (VOICE) When Moses went back down Mount Sinai, he carried the two stone tablets in his hands as a witness to their agreement. But he did not realize that the skin on his face was glowing and radiant because he had been speaking with God.
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