Sometimes breakthrough happens quickly – an immediate shift or change, but other times it happens more slowly – incremental breakthroughs culminating in big long term change. Both are powerful, and simply because as humans we prefer the immediate gratification of the one, doesn’t mean we should discount the lasting impact of the other.
When an infant is learning to walk, each step becomes a breakthrough. Each part of the process is a vital progression towards a greater goal. And we remember to cheer on the children, celebrating each victory along the way, and yet we stop celebrating our own victories as we get older simply because we don’t view them as a significant enough breakthrough to acknowledge and be grateful for.
A principle I share regularly is that what you focus on, you make room for. So consider this possibility, if you are constantly focusing on your shortcomings and the areas that you haven’t made the progress (had the breakthrough) you’re looking for, are you in fact making room for more disappointments? Conversely, if you are focusing on your gratitude for each success, are you making room for more successes?
In my post Wholeness: the Key is Gratitude (Luke 17:11-19), we talk about the fact that gratitude makes room for increase. What a wonderful reminder to be intentional with our focus! So rejoice in every breakthrough, whether great or small. Give glory to the God who brings the breakthrough and give Him praise.
1 Corinthians 15:57 (TPT) But we thank God for giving us the victory as conquerors through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One.
[Celebrate Each Breakthrough originally posted on, reposted in its entirety with permission.]