Cultivate the Peace of My Presence 

Galatians 5:22 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…[inner] peace…

Beloved, the quiet that you find inside is from Me. Seek it. Cultivate it. Cultivate the quiet that exudes – that shalom that others can feel. It is a tangible and comforting presence, like a deep exhale – rest for the tired and soul weary. My peace isn’t a passive presence – it wars against chaos – much like light dispels darkness, My peace dispels chaos and stress.

So find that place within you where I reside. Cultivate and enlarge its footprint in your life. Make room. Make way. Open the doors for Me to flood you with the peace of My presence. Then dwell there, refusing to be moved regardless of circumstances or the world around you. I AM peace and I AM with you. Watch and pray.

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