Hear Me Even in Your Sleep

Job 33:15-16 (AMP) In a dream, a vision of the night [one may hear God’s voice], When deep sleep falls on men While slumbering upon the bed, Then He opens the ears of men And seals their instruction,

Beloved, hear My whispers as you sleep. Recognize My heart. Know My voice. Feel My touch. Receive My wisdom. Heed My warnings. Feel My hand upon you as I seal My instruction in your heart. Yield to My direction. Hold fast when you awaken. Refuse to allow My download to be stolen or dismissed.

I have opened the ears of your heart. You can hear Me, beloved. Choose to be open and rest. Choose to listen. I AM moving as you sleep. I never slumber, I never sleep. I AM always aware of you and the things pertaining to you. So rest in Me, knowing I AM covering you. Healing and speaking. Protecting and refreshing.

Open your heart to hear My voice as your flesh is silent and your natural mind is not spinning or fighting My words with your own sense of logic or understanding. Hear Me, beloved. Receive, understand, and yield. 

Psalm 121:3-4 (TLB) He will never let me stumble, slip, or fall. For he is always watching, never sleeping.

One Reply to “Hear Me Even in Your Sleep”

  1. Amen. I have definitey been receiving dreams lately. Seeking Him on their meaning. Love that he uses so many different means to get through to us. Lol.

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