{hearing} You can’t be prepared for all of it, so, prepare yourself in Me.
With the way our world is and our current reality, there is a lot of fear, a lot of worrying, a lot of opinions floating around, a ton of emotions, incredible division, and a lot of speculation as to what is happening from a biblical perspective. There is no way for us to really look ahead and prepare for what is to come. I think it’s fair to say there is no telling what on earth is ahead.
Many of the prophetic words for the year 2020 were “rest in Him” or “wait on Him.” I have felt—at least for me personally—that this direction from the Spirit has been a type of preparation for whatever lies ahead for all of us—personally, professionally, in ministry, our communities, our society, our culture, our country, and, quite frankly, the world.
My prayer at this hour is that we don’t grow weary or restless doing “the basics” in our walk with Him: praying, reading the Word, waiting, serving as we’re led, listening, and obeying. This is our preparation for what lies ahead. This is the only way to “be ready” for whatever comes our way.
If you’re waiting on finances and finding yourself in a place of what feels like constant resting and trusting He will provide, there is a reason He’s teaching you, stretching you, and preparing you in that kind of faith in Him.
If you’re frustrated in relationships, friendships, work relationships, etc., and you feel like all you do is pray it through with Him, there’s a reason He has you in a season where you can’t figure things our for yourself. He teaching you to rely on the Holy Spirit and Him to “change people,” change hearts, and change circumstances.
All of these lessons are preparation. They also demonstrate God’s love, power, mercy, grace, justice, and sovereignty. The days ahead are going to be hard. They are going to be emotional. There will be rumors, falsehoods, injustices, prejudices, hatred, etc. Just rest in Him. Prepare yourself in Him. Continue to fight the good fight of faith.