The Power of His Whisper

Speak Tenderly” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

In pondering the story of Elijah, Jezebel, and the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18-19, I was struck by the fact that Elijah was overrun with the fear of Jezebel’s threats to overtake him and kill him. Her voice grew loud inside of him until it was all he heard, becoming his main focus. He ran for his life, feeling weary, discouraged, and exhausted. 

Shortly before this, God had miraculously and powerfully demonstrated to Elijah, the Israelites, and the prophets of Baal that He is the true God. There had been a spectacular showdown between Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal: Both Elijah and the prophets of Baal were to build an altar and offer an ox as a sacrifice; yet neither was to light the fire to offer their sacrifice. Instead, each would call to his god, and whoseever god answered, burning up the sacrifice, was the True God.  Continue reading “The Power of His Whisper”

His Greatest Craftsmanship

Fathomless God” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

The heavens and its starry host speak and declare God’s story and craftsmanship. They bear witness to His testament. Yet, the heavens have no audible voice. Its declaration of God as the one and only Creator and Sovereign Ruler is not in words but action.

The heavens exist and do what God created them to do. It knows its identity, its purpose, and the source of that purpose. There is no question or doubt. All the universe can do is simply be what it was created to be and do what it was created to do.  Continue reading “His Greatest Craftsmanship”

Covenantal Love

“Lamb of God” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

God the Father entered into an eternal covenant with His son before the creation of the world. God chose blood covenants (the ultimate and final one being Christ’s sacrifice on the cross) as a way to both relate to us and reveal more of Himself to us. God designed the terms of blood covenant to demonstrate His airtight, immovable faithfulness and love toward us. God shares His heart and plan for us to be restored to relationship with Him. He is a God who loves to reveal more of Himself into our hearts and understanding. He desires for us to know Him more closely. He wants us to know Him intimately. God desired that we would know Him and understand more about His deep and abiding love for us, gaining insight into just how serious He is about being faithful to us.  Continue reading “Covenantal Love”

The Power of His Voice

Wake Up by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

His transcendent majesty and power is beyond comprehension. We celebrate His creative power: that at His spoken word, the galaxies, planets and stars were launched into being – that all of His teeming creation rushes to respond to the sound of His voice. His voice speaks life, truth, wisdom, instruction and creativity. Who else displays such power and magnificence?  Continue reading “The Power of His Voice”

Complete Transformation

Painted Transformed Dyed4you Silk

Recently, God has been speaking to me about the lifecycle of a butterfly.  But let’s begin by looking at 2 Corinthians 5:17 (TPT), which reads, “Now if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new creation. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Everything is fresh and new.”

God is speaking of COMPLETE transformation here. And this connects to the solid, amazing, life changing, invigorating truth that God revealed and astounded me with as I researched the butterfly process. This truth is so wonderful.  I never saw the depth of this amazingly beautiful yet grotesque and magnificently designed truth until I researched the butterfly and learned the details of its transformation story. Continue reading “Complete Transformation”

Only God’s Fire

A close up of a painted Dyed4you silk called Glory of the Throne Room

In scripture, God clearly lays out the detailed instructions to be followed in the ways of worship, offerings and sacrifices for Aaron the High Priest. Sacrifices and offerings were consumed by that holy fire. This pure and holy fire was to be the only source of acceptable fire before Him.  Continue reading “Only God’s Fire”