Undignified Worship

Psalm 45:11 (GW) The king longs for your beauty. He is your Lord. Worship him.

Beloved, seek My face. Pour your heart out before Me, your offering will not be wasted for I adore you. You are the apple of My eye. I cannot get enough of you, and just as a parent cherishes every scribbled drawing their beloved child brings them, so I love every offering of praise you bring Me.

So hold nothing back. Worship Me with abandon. Dance, sing, wave your banners, be undignified and unashamed for the outpouring of your heart ministers to Mine; you undo Me!

I Desire for You to Flourish

1 John 3:4 (AMP) Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness [ignoring God’s law by action or neglect or by tolerating wrongdoing—being unrestrained by His commands and His will].

Beloved, I have shared My will, My instructions, in My word. Do not deceive yourself or allow others to deceive you that I somehow do not mean what I say. I have provided these boundaries for you because I LOVE you. Not to restrain or exert My control over you, but because I KNOW the effect not following them has, and I desire better for you. I desire for you to flourish and prosper. Align with My will and My instructions, and watch blessing pour forth. For I have promised that if you heed My voice, blessings will come upon you and overtake you.

My will is not a mystery. I have made it clearly known. I invite you and welcome you to know Me more. Read My word and allow My Spirit to guide and teach you. I LONG to be known by you. If you poured out your heart in a love letter, you’d desire that it be read and cherished, for it is your heart on paper, and no one who bares their soul wants to be rejected or ignored. In the same way, I have laid My heart bare before you, come and know Me more, beloved, for My heart for you is love. I yearn to see you blessed and flourishing! Walk in My ways.

The Joy of My Presence

Psalm 16:11 (VOICE) Instead, You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life. As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending, and I know true joy and contentment.

In My presence is fullness of joy! Receive My presence. Welcome My presence. Make a place for Me. Prepare for Me. I desire to meet with you, to dwell with you. When you are receiving important guests into your home, you prepare: clean and tidy up your home and your person. In the same way, intentionally carve out time, quiet your internal landscape, still your mind, set aside distractions, and make room for Me. My presence is a gift to you. One that brings peace and joy, refreshing and wholeness. It is not a “quick fix”, but a relationship built over time that bears much fruit. Prepare a place for Me, beloved, and I will come.

Set Your Face Like Flint

Isaiah 50:7 (NLT) Because the Sovereign Lord helps me,I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will not be put to shame.

Beloved, do not be caught up in circumstances and the things your natural senses may tell you. What I have said will be. I AM faithful and My word is true. Stay fixed on Me, unmoving, not able to be swayed by the things of this world, hearing My voice clearer than any other. Believe, stand in faith, and watch Me move.

I will allow circumstances to stretch your capacity to believe. I would not allow these things if I didn’t know that you could withstand and stay strong. So focus your gaze on Me and your heart on My promises, and wait with joy. In your heart you’ve desired to be able to testify to My power, so don’t be surprised when I give you opportunity to stand in faith, beloved. You asked for this. You will withstand and see My glory unfold.

Guard the Wellspring of Your Heart

I hold your life dear, beloved, and the enemy longs to snatch it from you. Guard the wellspring of your soul, your heart. Know that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy and his gaze is on you. But do not be afraid, for I AM with you and we walk in victory, in truth, and in righteousness. Stand fast and see the deliverance of the Lord.

I AM faithful. I AM true. I AM steadfast and unchanging. You can rely on Me and trust Me with your heart and with your life. I have given My angels charge over you – to guard and protect you – and My heavenly hosts will not fail. Amen.

Take Action: LOVE

1 John 4:20-21 (VOICE) If someone claims, “I love God,” but hates his brother or sister, then he is a liar. Anyone who does not love a brother or sister, whom he has seen, cannot possibly love God, whom he has never seen. He gave us a clear command, that all who love God must also love their brothers and sisters.

Beloved, stay in a place of love. If you love Me, love like Me. I know it will not always be easy. I know it will hurt your pride and chafe your flesh, but it reflects Me and will build a beauty of character in you. Make a point to not respond when your flesh rises up. Pause. Step back and see with My eyes. Love where other may tell you that you need to take action… take action: LOVE.

God of Justice (Elohiym Mishpat)

Psalm 37:28 (VOICE) “Because the Eternal cherishes justice and will not abandon those loyal to Him…”

Beloved, I am a God of justice. Even My name is justice. For behold, I will see the good rightly divided from the evil, and the righteous rightly divided from the wicked, and I AM righteousness itself!  My judgment is righteous, I see things rightly, and will not fail to do what is right. Therefore, I can be fully trusted to be loyal to those who love Me, to stay true to those whose heart’s are steadfast to Me.

Elohiym Mishpat (God of Justice) Isaiah 30:18

Fruit from Adversity

For I have loved you with an everlasting love, and My eye is ever upon you for you are so lovely to My gaze. Nothing about you – no aspect of your life or your past – goes unseen by Me, nor am I unfeeling to anything that has wounded you. Each wound you’ve received I felt even in greater measure, for I treasure you and hold you dear – I would that you NEVER be hurt. And yet, to those wounds I will bring healing, and through those wounds I will bring testimony that speaks of the power of My love. Nothing will be wasted. So hold fast in adversity, I am with you to bring you through and My love will cause fruit to burst forth from the land plowed by hardships. I bring life in the desert and joy even in the dark places. So again, hold fast – mourning may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning!

BE with Me

Beloved, step into your closet and shut the door. Take a moment to exhale and pause and just rest in Me. Inhale and receive My love, My rest, My refreshing. Resist the urge to allow yourself to be pulled so many directions that you have nothing left and are running on empty. Remember I AM your source. I AM always right here – with you and waiting – ready to fill you and refresh you. Take that moment to pause and just BE with Me. I will meet you there.

Olam Zeroa (Everlasting Arms)

Beloved, you are precious in My sight. Never forget My love for you or let your circumstances or the world at large cause you to question it. It is firm. Solid. Everlasting. I AM Olam Zeroa, the Everlasting Arms. You are forever wrapped tightly in My embrace. Feel My love, precious one. Pause and feel it.