Live: Bask in the Majesty of God’s Creation

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • Apologies for the inauspicious, blooper-filled beginning LOL
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull
    • The “BE LIFTED” card from D4Yart Deck 3 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Father’s Song” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “Allow creation to bolster your spirit and awaken your senses, for beauty surrounds you if you will but take the time to see it. So whether it comes in the smile of a kind stranger or the beauty of a bird in flight, embrace the sweet kisses from the Universe that are available and always around you .”
    • A connected video if you’d like to see more is Live: Choose What/Who You Magnify

And if you are seeing this later, I hope you enjoy watching the replay of the livestream. Many blessings on all of you and have a beautiful weekend! Continue reading “Live: Bask in the Majesty of God’s Creation”

Live: Empowered by Choice

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • We started with an impromptu field trip to see if the oven was still on LOL
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull
    • The “CHALLENGES” card from D4Yart Deck 2 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Lord of All” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “All of life presents challenges to overcome and grow through. Making daily choices to be healthy may be difficult, but not doing so and dealing with the resulting health challenges is difficult too; just as being fiscally responsible is challenging, but living in a constant state of debt and lack is as well. So choose wisely which challenges you want to take on, rather than allowing your non-decisions to force your hand.”

And if you are seeing this later, I hope you enjoy watching the replay of the livestream. Many blessings on all of you and have a beautiful weekend! Continue reading “Live: Empowered by Choice”

Live: Spiritual Senses, Trusting Yourself & Being the True You

And if you are seeing this later, I hope you enjoy watching the replay of the livestream. Many blessings on all of you and have a beautiful weekend! Continue reading “Live: Spiritual Senses, Trusting Yourself & Being the True You”

Live: Curiosity Without Judgment

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull: REVELATION
    • The “REVELATION” card from D4Yart Deck 2 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Dawning Victory” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “Open your heart, and from a place of tranquility listen for direction and revelation. Let your focus hone in on what you’re hearing/sensing/seeing – resist the urge to filter it through logic, and initially simply receive. Allow yourself to be saturated as you receive wisdom beyond your natural abilities, and may you receive what you need, and may you have the wisdom to recognize it when it comes.”

Continue reading “Live: Curiosity Without Judgment”

Live: Rest in Spirit’s Flow

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull: DIRECTION
    • The “DIRECTION” card from D4Yart Deck 1 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Hedged In” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “When you choose to live your life aligned with the highest good, trust that if you misstep – you’ll be redirected. Spirit is ever at work leading and directing, so be intentional to heed the gentle nudges and to tune into your inner voice. Trust that Spirit’s ability to lead you, exceeds your ability to screw it up.”

Continue reading “Live: Rest in Spirit’s Flow”

Live: Be Open to God’s Agenda (Even When It’s Different Than Yours)

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull: SPONTANEITY
    • The “SPONTANEITY” card from D4Yart Deck 1 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Come Away” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “Spirit beckons you – come away – the question is will you respond to the call. Refuse to be so caught up in things demanding your attention that you neglect the opportunities that cross your path, for often Divine connections come at inopportune moments, and you must decide whose agenda is more important: yours or the Divine path before you.”

Continue reading “Live: Be Open to God’s Agenda (Even When It’s Different Than Yours)”

Live: God-Given Strength

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull: STRENGTH 
    • The “STRENGTH” card from D4Yart Deck 1 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Woman of Valor” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “You are mighty. You are stronger than you know. You possess untapped strength and untried resilience, so step into your higher self and accept challenges without fear, for you are ready. Remember that asking for help when you can’t do it alone is a sign of strength not weakness, and it demonstrates wisdom as well.”

Continue reading “Live: God-Given Strength”

Arise and Go Higher

The Seer (Ra’ah)” By Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

And suddenly there’s a break in the clouds and rays of light burst through in heavenly glory. May you see things that were previously masked, dimmed, or hidden. May the light lift you and take you higher. May you feel an unburdened lightness to your soul. Arise and go higher.

Live: FOR not TO

  • D4Yart Decks are in stock and ready to ship
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull: REFINING
    • The “REFINING” card from D4Yart Deck 2 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Refine Me” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “Character-building is rarely a fun experience, and yet it is always for our benefit. When we acknowledge this truth, we can begin to have joy through the trials that come because we know that ultimately they will be used for our highest good. So take your power back by understanding that things happen “for” you, not “to” you; and allow the fiery trials to simply spark your own zest for growth.”

Continue reading “Live: FOR not TO”

Live: Be Open to the New

  • D4Yart Decks are in stock and ready to ship 
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull: EXPANDED HORIZONS
    • The “EXPANDED HORIZONS” card from D4Yart Deck 3 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Watchful Sovereign” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “If your world is not expanding, it’s contracting, so resist the urge to stagnate in what is known and familiar. Be open to new ideas. Venture to new places. Meet new people. Be willing to change and grow, for though the familiar may seem comfortable, there are greater blessings just ahead.”

Continue reading “Live: Be Open to the New”