Develop a Taste for Me 

1 John 2:15 (TLB) Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers you, for when you love these things you show that you do not really love God;

Beloved, don’t be taken in by the bright lights and sparkle of this world. It is all flash and glamour – an illusion, a spell intended to deceive you and make you believe there is something of substance there, of value, but there is not. Like trying to sustain life eating cotton candy, there is no true value there and it loses its appeal quickly in the face of true need.

You can develop a taste for anything. And doing so will mold your preferences. If you develop a taste for the things of this world, it is what you will crave. You may have even been raised to crave this world, but your tastes can change and you can change them intentionally.

My Word and My Kingdom were meant to sustain. They have true substance. I AM what your soul needs to be satisfied; anything else is just filler and an ineffective substitute. Develop a taste for Me.

Release Your Sound

Romans 8:26 (AMPC) So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.

Make a sound, beloved. Let it come forth from inside you – whether it be a bursting shout, a mighty roar, or a groan too deep for words. Pour it forth – whether an offering of praise or a tool of intercession – release what is stirring in your belly, for I have placed it there. Let your sound echo through the heavenlies – breaking strongholds, declaring victory, and ascribing praise.

Do not hold back. Do not let the enemy steal your voice. Do not let concerns of what man may think hinder you from doing, being, and birthing that which you are called to. Break forth! Shout in victory! Let your sound declare it to be so! And so the thing shall be established. Release it! Mighty is your sound.

Build Your Arsenal

Ephesians 6:17 (AMP) And take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

Beloved, if you would wield the sword of My Spirit, you must know My word. There are so many things that clamor for your attention as My word waits – unchanging and available – for you to feast. Choose to make the time. Choose to know Me – My heart, My ways, My instructions for you – for they are to protect you and bring you blessing and goodness in your life – My word is worth knowing.

The more of My word that is hidden in your heart, the stronger and more prepared you are to do battle against the enemy of your soul when he brings his onslaught. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I come to give you strength. The enemy will often twist My word, and just as when My Son was tempted in the wilderness and He refuted those lies with Truth – with the Word, so you must be equipped to do the same.

For it is not a question of IF the enemy will lie and twist truths, it is a matter of WHEN. Do not be found defenseless and weak, but rather prepare. Just as a lawyer spends time building his knowledgebase so he can make the arguments in court to win the day, likewise spend the time every day to build your arsenal and your strength. Again beloved, My word is worth knowing – I AM worth knowing.

Tune in to My Voice and Hold Fast to My Truth

Ephesians 6:17 (AMP) And take the helmet of salvation…

Beloved, the enemy is a liar and the father of lies. His desire is to debilitate you with fear and doubt and unbelief. Do not listen to him. Remember who you are to Me. Remember what I have called you to. Remind yourself of My promises and My truth. I AM love and I love you with an everlasting love that can never change, do not let the enemy tell you differently.

Do not concern yourself with the fact that you hear his whispers – of course you do, he is working at all times towards your demise – but rather focus your efforts and energies on Me and My promises that his whispers would be of no avail. Force them into a position of powerlessness by being so secure in My truth that you are unshakable.

This, beloved, is your helmet of salvation. Your mind protected from his onslaught, his thought bombs diffused by My truth. Hold fast and do not waver in your trust in Me and knowledge of the truth. Close your ears to his lies and tune in to My voice as you hold what I have said dear in your heart. I AM truth.

2 Corinthians 10:5 (VOICE) We are demolishing arguments and ideas, every high-and-mighty philosophy that pits itself against the knowledge of the one true God. We are taking prisoners of every thought, every emotion, and subduing them into obedience to the Anointed One.

Heart After Me

1 Samuel 13:14 (TLV) …Adonai has sought for Himself a man after His own heart…

I AM searching, beloved, for the ones who will choose Me above all else. The ones who eyes are fixed on Me and whose hearts are aligned with Mine. Pursue Me, beloved. Lay everything else down and choose Me. Not for what you think I can “do” for you, but simply because I AM. If you know My heart You know I AM worth the cost and the effort. And though I love you beyond measure I will not talk you into choosing Me because in the end it must be your choice for it to mean anything. And so I simply extend My hand to you and ask, “Will you have a heart after Me?”

Right Perspective

Ephesians 6:10-11 (VOICE) Finally, brothers and sisters, draw your strength and might from God.  Put on the full armor of God to protect yourselves from the devil and his evil schemes.

Draw from Me, beloved. I AM your strength. I AM your might. I AM power and authority. You are not alone out in a storm. I AM with you, beside you. So command the storm to be still beloved in My name, and whether the external or internal landscape changes, strength and peace are yours.

Gird up your loins. Without hiding My word in your heart you are defenseless, beloved. So eat it as those it were the choicest of meats bringing you strength and stamina because it does and it will. Know Me. Encourage yourself in the faith by seeing Me more and more for who I AM. Magnify Me in your own eyes so you might realize the enemy is no match for Me. As you know Me, you will be able to quiet your soul against the taunts of the enemy because you will know – TRULY know – that I AM greater. I AM.

Do Not Be Distracted By the “Good”

Psalm 127:1 (VOICE) Unless the Eternal builds the house, those who labor to raise it will have worked for nothing. Unless the Eternal stands watch over the city, those who guard it have wasted their time.

Beloved, don’t waste your efforts on things I have not called you to, expending your energy and leaving yourself too worn out to complete the tasks to which you have been assigned.  If the enemy cannot stop you from doing good, he will try to deplete your energy and divide your vision by putting “good” things in your path to keep you from the things I have called you to put your efforts and energy to. Stick to your call. Stay aligned with My perfect will. There will always be more “good” things to turn your time and efforts to than you could possibly begin to complete.

Do not be distracted or emotionally manipulated into doing things I have not called you to. In doing these things not only to you misuse the resources I’ve given you, but you block the path of the one I HAVE called to do that “good” thing. So step out of the way. Be ok with saying no – trusting that all those involved want you only where I want you and if they don’t, THEY are out of alignment, not you – that isn’t for you to fix. You leading by example that following My will and trusting Me to put everyone in their right place encourages others to do the same.

Your Life is in My Hands 

Exodus 14:20 (VOICE) The cloud pillar took its position between Egypt’s and Israel’s camps. The cloud cast darkness by day yet it lit up the sky by night. As a result, the Egyptians never got close to the Israelites the entire night.

For behold My presence protects and guards you. You don’t have to worry who has you covered because the answer is Me. It is I who will defend you. Do not step into My path to try to “help” for in doing so you are simply taking matters into your own hands. The things that concern you, concern Me. Your life is in My hands, you placed it there when you gave your life to Me. Trust Me to cover you.

Your reputation is Mine, and I have said that every tongue that rises against you will be judged (Isaiah 54:17); beloved, do not defend yourself to others – it is My job and I do it happily. Simply keep your eyes fixed on Me and My call for your life; walk it out and leave the rest to Me.

Isaiah 54:17 (VOICE) But no instrument forged against you will be allowed to hurt you, and no voice raised to condemn you will successfully prosecute you. It’s that simple; this is how it will be for the servants of the Eternal; I will vindicate them.

Testifying Without a Word

1 John 2:4 (VOICE) If someone claims, “I am in an intimate relationship with Him,” but this big talker doesn’t live out His commands, then this individual is a liar and a stranger to the truth.

A man who is unfaithful to his marriage vows, yet holds himself up as a paragon of a husband is a liar and a hypocrite. Be mindful then, beloved, not to do the same. In humility, read and study My word, walk it out, and let the light of My love reflect from your face (just as Moses’ did when he spent time with Me). You need not declare your relationship with Me to the world, for My touch on you – the glow of my presence – will be apparent without you saying a word.

The light of your countenance will testify. The strength of your love will testify. The beauty of your compassion will testify. And the depth of your mercy will testify. All of these, a reflection of Me, My touch on your life. No words needed. The strength of your actions – your very life – testify of Me and Who I AM to you.

I Go Before You

Exodus 13:21-22 (AMP) The [presence of the] Lord was going before them by day in a pillar (column) of cloud to lead them along the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, so that they could travel by day and by night. He did not withdraw the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from going before the people.

I go before you, beloved. I make your way clear. There is no strain on you to lead, simply follow me as I mark the path. I bring shade to you by day and light to you by night. Stay in step with Me. Do not move without My presence. If the sun burns too brightly or the night looms too dark, you will know you’ve wandered from Me. I’ve made it so you can feel the difference; just pause and let yourself feel it.

I want you to follow My lead, beloved, so I’ve made doing so as easy as possible. Don’t overthink it or try to complicate matters by second guessing yourself and whether you’re accurately hearing Me or sensing Me; I will let you know if you move off course when your heart is to follow. So rest and trust Me.