Dear one, I know you have felt alone, maybe even abandoned, but beloved I do not leave or forsake my children. I am with you in every season you walk through. I know you view the wilderness as punishment but it’s not. I lead you into the wilderness to have you to Myself. The wilderness is where we work together. It’s where we talk and pray together. I was with My Son in the wilderness for 40 days and look what we accomplished! The wilderness is where I get to love you and have you all to myself. Remember, I am a Jealous God and I will not share you with another. Do not despise the wilderness instead embrace it for I am there.
First Love
Beloved, I remember when you would not so much as take a step without asking Me if you were supposed to. Nothing shook your walk with Me. You were steadfast – immovable. I long for more of those days. I long for your first love, but something has shifted. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. I have not changed or moved. My heart toward you has not changed. I am ever with you, and I will never forsake you. I have blessed you and bestowed spiritual gifts on you. I have remained the same. Continue reading “First Love”