True Rest

“Wings of the Spirit” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Hebrews 4:1 (TPT) Now God has offered to us the same promise of entering into his realm of resting in confident faith. So we must be extremely careful to ensure that we all embrace the fullness of that promise and not fail to experience it.

When the children of Israel were delivered from the bondage of Egypt, God promised that His Presence would go with them and give them rest (Exodus 33:14). In Hebrew, the word “rest” in this Scripture is nuwach which has the concept of settling down, dwelling, and remaining. No longer would they be strangers in the land of their affliction nor would they be strangers in this new land where their father Abraham was a sojourner; God was bringing them to a place they could call home and the place that He would abide with them.

In Hebrews 4, Paul alludes to this concept in light of the redemption that Christ has brought us. He warns the redeemed not to follow in the pattern of those who wandered in the wilderness and miss out on the rest that Christ has purchased for us. But what does this rest in Christ look like? A clue can be found in the two types of rest that Paul alludes to. 

Not only does Paul mention a nuwach type of rest (being settled, dwelling, and remaining in a place) but also another Hebrew word for rest, shabath. Shabath implies a sense of completion; God began the process of creation on the first day, and it was on the seventh day that He stopped creating because His work was complete. Nothing else need be added, so God could sit down and appreciate all that He had done.

We are being called to find our resting place in Christ. Just as the Israelites were redeemed and removed from Egypt, we too have been redeemed from the power of sin and bondage through the Cross. God is saying, “It is finished! It is complete! And your Promised Land of rest in the Everlasting Arms is accessible now in the land of the living!” When God promised the Israelites rest, technically the battle for the Promised Land was still in sight for them; but they allowed their fear over those looming battles to prevent them from attaining God’s promise. From their perspective, their redemption and fight for freedom wasn’t complete. 

Therefore, we must be careful to resist the urge to let the battle against the flesh keep us from entering into our resting place in God. For the beautiful part of our redemption is that God comes into His rest with us as well. Just as the throne of God and His dwelling Presence went with the Israelites in the wilderness and into the Land, so God’s abiding Presence keeps us at every step. The battles ahead are already won. The only effort required on our part is to listen to the direction of the Holy Spirit. It is our redeemer who will do all the work and all of the fighting on our behalf. It is God alone who is responsible for bringing us into our completeness and fullness of Christ.

Exodus 33:14 (NKJV) And He said, “My Presence will go [with you], and I will give you rest.”

[ “True Rest” originally posted on Waiting in the Wings, reposted in its entirety with permission.]

New Season, New Life Emerging

“Season of Bounty” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Song of Solomon 2:10-12 (VOICE) My love responded and said to me, [Him] “Arise, my dearest, my beauty, and come away with me. Don’t you see? The winter is done. The rains and clouds have come and gone. The flowers are unfolding in the fields; the birds are warming up their songs, The cooing of the turtledove is heard throughout the land.”

Behold, you have entered into a new season, beloved. You feel it in your bones and know it in your heart, and yet you are tempted to hesitate because your gaze is fixed on seasons past. Yes, you have known the pain of what it is like to step outside of My timing and My will when you step ahead of Me. You have witnessed that depending upon your own strength and understanding does not bear fruit or profit you. But look at your past with grace and mercy, for from that place of weakness you also discovered true strength and the Source of your life. The winter seasons have passed and they have resulted in a deep abiding joy and a life-giving flow of My Holy Spirit within you. Indeed, I say that you are a tree that is bearing good fruit.

As you step into this new season, remember that you are an extension of Me. I have created you for good works that will glorify the Father in heaven. Be comforted and be encouraged, beloved; refuse to be intimidated into stepping back. For I know you well and would not call you to step forward into this new season unless I deemed it time. Therefore, trust in Me, continue to abide in Me and be lead by My Spirit. You will know that My hand is in this new season and new direction, for what I move you to do by My Spirit and what I set into your hands will surely prosper and flourish. For blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply these new seeds of purpose and destiny within you. 

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (VOICE) and I know God has made everything beautiful for its time. God has also placed in our minds a sense of eternity; we look back on the past and ponder over the future, yet we cannot understand the doings of God.

[ “New Season, New Life Emerging” originally posted on Waiting in the Wings, reposted in its entirety with permission.]

In His Image

“Bezel El (Shadow of God)” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Genesis 1:27 (NKJV) So God created man in His [own] image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

In the opening of Genesis, we are told that humanity has been made in the image or shadow of God—in Hebrew, tselem (Strong’s H6754). Something that I have frequently meditated on is what this term tselem means. This meditation most often happens when I’m going through trials and tribulations. During these times when my soul is grieved, and I’m searching for the righteous path through the chaos of life, I will hear my Heavenly Father’s still small voice saying, “Come back into My shadow.” I‘ve come to understand that He means this is several ways. 

Firstly, He is reminding me that it is only under His shade—tsêl (Strong’s 6738)that we have any hope of finding real comfort and peace. Sometimes if we are not careful, life’s difficulties can chase us out of our hiding place in God instead of remaining in Him. Nothing in the world can refresh and sustain us better than our Source. In the heat of trials, when I pause to listen for His voice, I can tell that I have unintentionally moved out of His shadow. It is like standing outside on an incredibly hot day and completely avoiding the shade of a nearby tree. While the shade doesn’t compare to air conditioning, I would be a fool not to abide there when left with no other choice. Plus, there is sweet fruit from the tree that revives and sustains me.

Secondly, I know that by calling me to come back into His shadow, the Father is also referring to His image. One can say that, during troubles, we are tempted to lose our mind—or lose the mind of Christ. We can quickly forget who we are and the vows we have made to His covenant. Trials always require a response from us, but what will our response be? Will we let the trials disconnect us from our Source, leaving us with only the resources of our flesh? Or will we continue to abide and bear the fruits of the Spirit while under pressure—love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control? We have a choice in difficulties even when we may feel like we don’t.

When trials come—and as our Savior told us, they certain will come—they become an opportunity for God to build His character into us. The more we yield to the process and are mindful of the point of the difficulties, the more we will have access to the life-giving flow of the Holy Spirit. And the more of God’s Spirit that we are able to receive, the more we are able to accurately hear His voice and reflect His image in the earth—in both good times and bad.

Galatians 5:22-24 (TPT) But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions:

joy that overflows,
peace that subdues,
patience that endures,
kindness in action,
a life full of virtue,
faith that prevails,
gentleness of heart, and
strength of spirit.

Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.

See the Harvest

“Garden of His Love” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Beloved, can you see the harvest? Can you see the fruit that has come forth in your life as you have believed My Word? Each day, you are becoming more conformed to My image as you believe what I have spoken over you. My Word is life, and you have readily received it into your heart. It has taken hold of your mind, and each day it transforms your thoughts so that they come to mirror My own. In this, I am well pleased. Continue reading “See the Harvest”

Eye of the Lord

“Surrendered Heart” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Psalm 17:8 (VOICE) Keep close watch over me as the apple of Your eye; shelter me in the shadow of Your wings.

At some point in my childhood, I was seriously convinced that the moon was the eye of God. Before I would go to bed, I would sit by the window and stare at that bright light in the darkness sure that the One who loved me was staring back. At this time, I didn’t know about the Scripture that says the eyes of the Lord are always upon the righteous (Psalm 34:15) or how we are the apple of His eye (Psalm 17:8). Yet somehow, I instinctively knew this truth.  Continue reading “Eye of the Lord”

Lighten Your Load

When the weight of the world comes creeping in, the thought of simply resting may seem unthinkable, if not impossible. Yet was it not our Savior who slept in a boat while a storm raged overhead (Mark 4:38)? In that light, the impossible suddenly becomes possible. Rest is always accessible through the Spirit that dwells within us—if we are willing to lighten our loads. Continue reading “Lighten Your Load”

The Message of Restoration

Glorious Restoration” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

I recently had a conversation with the Father regarding the season of life I’ve found myself in. I confessed that I was finding this season challenging because it seemed like He had me spending so much time and energy focusing on myself and my life. Logically, I understand why; I’ve spent most of my life so focused on caring for others, that there are many areas of my life that are in ruins. I most certainly need the restoration that God is bringing! Continue reading “The Message of Restoration”

Moving at the Speed of Grace

{vision} I saw a sign on a road showing that the speed limit was 55. There was a blurred line through the middle of the 55, and I knew there were words printed there.

I saw this vision just before I opened my eyes one recent morning. I sensed this was a “sign” for the spiritual speed limit for my day. Immediately, I knew the “55” represented a multiplication of grace. I also recognized the words that I couldn’t read symbolized a “word” that God had for me through this vision. This word would bring clarity to a repeated message He had been speaking in the Spirit: “Slow down.” Continue reading “Moving at the Speed of Grace”

Come Soar with Me

“Refreshing Worship” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Dance with Me, beloved. Hear the sound of heaven, that eternal song that calls to you and reminds that you are already home. Let your heart soar in songs of praise and worship and let your soul arise. As you worship, My presence washes and lightens your spirit, and you are caught up into My embrace. In My presence, the cares and the weights of the world will fall away, every power will bow, and all things will naturally align into their proper place. For where My Spirit is, there is freedom. Continue reading “Come Soar with Me”