Periodically, we have people who aren't part of the Dyed4you Team share downloads. We'll share who these guest contributors are in each respective post.
One morning, I was thinking about picking your battles.Our household divorced itself from having a microwave since moving to Missouri.Our new houseguest missed the microwave, so God authorized the purchase of one.My arguments about what was “right” went by the wayside. Continue reading “Let Perfect Love Prevail”
Do not pick back up what He delivered you from. Who the Son sets free is free indeed! Do not let the fire dwindle down to embers. Stoke your fire daily in Him!
There is a place at my daughter’s house where I love to sit. I could be happy there even if I were there alone, but it’s much nicer when the family is around. They have an amazing fireplace that is both functionally warm and also beautiful to watch. I could sit there and never leave. Continue reading “The Warmth of His Presence”
I am my Father’s daughter. I am fully equipped and well-trained. I know how to wield my double-edged sword. I speak and do as my Father does. The Lion of Judah goes before me and prepares my path. He is my protector and instructor and is always with me.
I am a protector of the faint-hearted. My assignments are planned by the Master’s hand. I fear not! Victory is mine because I am covered with the blood of Yeshua and clothed in His fire!
The Glory of God is established upon the earth no matter how we may feel emotionally or physically. God reigns sovereign in Glory daily and at all times!
Override what your natural circumstances may be dictating and establish yourself in His Glory and everything He has for you daily. Recognize that you are His child who is deeply loved and kept by His right hand every moment!
Beloved, breathe. Breathe in the atmosphere of heaven, God’s breath of life. Be refreshed by the essence of God’s nature.
Close your eyes, and meditate on the image of Yeshua. Open your spiritual eyes so that you might see Him. See His eyes full of love for you, beloved. With open arms, He welcomes you.
Hear His voice call your name, “Beloved of Mine.” Feel His embrace as He draws you near His heart. He whispers words of endearment and encouragement in your ear.
You feel His breath against your cheek as He speaks, “All is well, beloved. All is well. I have gone before you, made the crooked way straight. I am leading you to green pastures with springs of water for you to drink and meadows of flowers with fruit to eat. Come, beloved of Mine, come.”
When painting silk, sometimes I am led to pick up the brush and start painting without the slightest idea of what will be manifested. The colors are shown one at a time. Brushstrokes are shown one at a time. I dip the brush into the dye, and I just paint in the flow that I’m being led, still not knowing, still not having the slightest idea what the end result will be. Continue reading “Trusting the Lord in the Process: Walk by Faith, Not By Sight”
“Peaceable Kingdom” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art
My child, there are times when your brother in Christ throws stones, like an enemy rising against you. But when this happens, use it as an opportunity to operate in the spirit of mercy because you have received my mercy for your sins.Continue reading “Spirit of Mercy”
“Heaven’s Portal” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art
Expect!Rejoice with great expectation for portholes are opened. In their quiet times of worship, the true psalmists have opened them. Continue reading “Portholes”
The beautiful works of God are also found in the smallest things. Let us not miss His greatness and all of His blessings by focusing only on the big manifestations of His works. Continue reading “The Little Things”