You are a child of God, a joint heir with Christ, one who is welcomed into the royal court. You are surrounded by God’s love, abundance, and His desire to reveal Himself to and show Himself mighty in the life of one surrendered to His Lordship—one who has relinquished and fully committed their heart to Him. Continue reading “Bounty of the Child of God”
Healing Rain
The Lord says, “It is with great JOY that I see my word breaking forth in your life. The seeds you have planted, I have watered by My Spirit and now they break through. And though it may seem small to some, know that I am pleased with you. My joy abounds in you and in what has come forth. So rejoice and again I say rejoice! Know that my covenant of blessing is over your life. My healing rain will continue to flow in your time of rejoicing. You will be brought to a place of wholeness, complete in Me and My love for you.” Continue reading “Healing Rain”
River of Peace
Continue to pursue Me, to pursue My words, and pursue My presence. Immerse yourself in Me. I am your everything. I am your supply. I will provide you with an abundance of whatever you need. Hold your hands open wide, turn your face to Me, lift up your eyes to where your help comes. Continue reading “River of Peace”