Sharing about the D4Yart Decks (there are 3 decks now with more in the works) – great encouragement or for a quick touchpoint, a fun way to start spiritual conversations with people of any belief sets, and beautiful visual reminders. Find out more (or to order some) visit our D4Yart Deck website. Continue reading “Live: Why I Love D4Yart Decks”
Mercy Is His Name

Mercy is a central part of God’s nature—in fact, His name is mercy. In Exodus 34, God responded to Moses’ desire to see His glory. And as He passed before Moses, verse 5 says that He “proclaimed the name of the LORD.” And the proclamation that rolled forth was: “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.”
I don’t know about anyone else, but many times when I would read this Scripture, I would find myself quite focused on the latter half of the verse! I trembled at the God who punished the guilty and allowed iniquity to be a generational inheritance! Due to my own woundings in life, I found it hard to see the other side of God’s character—His overwhelming heart of mercy. And I think my struggles with perceiving (and receiving) mercy have been due, in part, to how I learned to interpret much of Scripture. Continue reading “Mercy Is His Name”
Making a Place for God

There is a Jewish teaching that speaks of how, in the beginning, God filled all things. In order to begin the process of creation, He had to “contract” Himself to make space for the universe. This is why one of God’s names is “Ha-Makom” or “The Place,” as God is the place of all creation. This concept has always made me think of how women “make space” within themselves for the conception and growth of new life. Continue reading “Making a Place for God”
Covenantal Love

God the Father entered into an eternal covenant with His son before the creation of the world. God chose blood covenants (the ultimate and final one being Christ’s sacrifice on the cross) as a way to both relate to us and reveal more of Himself to us. God designed the terms of blood covenant to demonstrate His airtight, immovable faithfulness and love toward us. God shares His heart and plan for us to be restored to relationship with Him. He is a God who loves to reveal more of Himself into our hearts and understanding. He desires for us to know Him more closely. He wants us to know Him intimately. God desired that we would know Him and understand more about His deep and abiding love for us, gaining insight into just how serious He is about being faithful to us. Continue reading “Covenantal Love”
Seek God’s Hidden Hand

Just before Purim this spring, God reminded me of the importance of looking for His “hidden hand” in our lives. In the whole book of Esther, God isn’t mentioned. There’s also no record of God speaking directly to His people or prophets. However, this doesn’t mean that He wasn’t present, moving, and speaking throughout the events that transpired. In fact, we can see how God strategically moved through different individuals to protect His people from genocide. Continue reading “Seek God’s Hidden Hand”
Where Does Our Help Come From?

One day, I was meditating on how rest can be a powerful weapon in the spiritual realm, and Isaiah 30:15 came to mind, “For this is what Adonai Elohim, the Holy One of Isra’el, says: “Returning and resting is what will save you; calmness and confidence will make you strong —but you want none of this!” I often hear people quoting another translation of this Scripture, “in quietness and confidence is your strength.” While these words are a needed reminder, I couldn’t help but be drawn to the last part of that verse—God’s people resisted the call to return (repent) and rest. Continue reading “Where Does Our Help Come From?”
As it is in Heaven

I remember when the Father dramatically changed the way I approached prophetic intercession. I had a friend who would often share prayer requests with me. Because I’m an intercessor, she knew I would always be willing to stop and pray. One day, she sent me a prayer request for a friend of hers. I had barely uttered a word of my prayer when the Father suddenly downloaded a lengthy vision to me. I sensed it was for her friend, so I wrote down the vision along with the revelation, which came as I wrote. Continue reading “As it is in Heaven”
Looking Up

I admit that I have often struggled to find a balance between keeping my feet on the ground and having my head in the clouds—keeping my thoughts in the heavens that is. I always thought that “looking up” meant continuing to looking forward to Christ’s reign. Someday, Christ would return. Someday, the Kingdom would come, and the earth would be restored. All the while, the daily demands and desires of the flesh kept me miserably rooted to the earth moment by moment. How could I practically pursue heavenly things while still in the flesh? Continue reading “Looking Up”
Lunchtime Live: Rest and the Life-Changing Countenance of God
- Show and tell: Be Still cards
- Testimony: Loved Lion of Judah Dyed4you Art tallit and Introducing: Be Still (Beautiful and a Blessing)
- Dyed4you Art: Be Still and In His Marvelous Light
- Dyed4you Readymade: Fiery Bride Dyed4you Art flag (on Etsy) and Lion of Judah Dyed4you Art tallit (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: Waiting in the Wings post called “Renewing Our Focus” and Prophetic Nugget collection based on the Aaronic Blessing (Numbers 6:24-26)
Continue reading “Lunchtime Live: Rest and the Life-Changing Countenance of God”
An Unexpected Package
For the last two years, Papa has been speaking to me about restoring the innocence of my youth. I can clearly see the growth and healing that has taken place over the last two years of my life.
Just when I think the process is over He begins to reveal to me another area of healing. This process of cleansing has been a delightful journey. He continues to heal and restore me in the areas that childhood trauma once broke and stole from me. Continue reading “An Unexpected Package”