You’re the Daughter of the King!

Art by Jessica Smith Art

I had this dream a few years ago before the phrase “Daughter Of The King” meant anything to me. I felt the phrase was a cliche and it annoyed me (needless to say I had identity issues)… until I had this dream in the middle of a 15 day water-only fast. I was under the most intense spiritual attack of my life by a spirit of fear/torment. I had forgotten who I truly was in Christ. Continue reading “You’re the Daughter of the King!”

Eat, Sleep, and Be Merry

1 Kings 19:4-5 (VOICE) He journeyed into the desert for one day and then decided to rest beneath the limbs of a broom tree. There he prayed that his life would be over quickly and that he would die there beneath the tree. Elijah: I’m finished, Eternal One. Please end my life here and now , even though I have failed, and I am no better than my ancestors. Elijah then laid himself down under the broom tree and entered into a deep sleep. While he was sleeping, a heavenly messenger came and touched him and gave him instructions. Messenger: Get up, and eat.

Sometimes life and circumstances can feel so overwhelming. There are times we are so frustrated that there aren’t words to really express how we feel; we might even get a little dramatic – like Elijah. The beautiful thing is, Elijah wasn’t in some prayer closet on his knees praying “like he should.” He wasn’t moved to speak to God out of religious routine, it was out of relationship – he was just having a conversation out loud with God.  Continue reading “Eat, Sleep, and Be Merry”

Breakthrough: Though it Tarries, It Tarries Not

Mighty Breaker Anointing by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

In previous posts, we’ve talked about Celebrating Each Breakthrough, and we’ve talked about Incremental Breakthroughs and Managing Our Expectations, but in the midst of all this talk about smaller breakthroughs, I don’t want us to lose sight of the fact that God also moves through big breakthroughs. Our focus on smaller breakthroughs is simply an acknowledgment that they are worth noting and celebrating, not that they are the only breakthroughs God does, for nothing is impossible with God. Continue reading “Breakthrough: Though it Tarries, It Tarries Not”

Lunchtime Live: Discernment

Continue reading “Lunchtime Live: Discernment”

Types of Personal Prophetic Words

We’ve shared posts that go into What is a Prophetic Word? and How-To Receive a Prophetic Word as well as a wide variety of other topics on the prophetic, but I realized some further descriptors about the types of Personal Prophetic Words people receive would be helpful. So consider this a how-to assess what type of Personal Prophetic Word something is.

In addition, I want to address the level of caution that should be taken when receiving these various types of words. Though with that said, let me add the disclaimer that of course every prophetic word should be received with much prayer and wise counsel. Continue reading “Types of Personal Prophetic Words”

Being a Yielded Vessel of God’s (John 15)

Many years back, a prophet named Richard Knight shared an analogy about operating in the prophetic that was so profound it has stuck with me a decade and a half later. He likened operating in the prophetic to being a postman. It’s our job to deliver the message – that’s it. The postman isn’t responsible for making sure bills are paid. They aren’t on the hook for ensuring RSVPs are sent out. They aren’t even responsible for making sure mail is retrieved from the mailbox. They simply deliver it. Continue reading “Being a Yielded Vessel of God’s (John 15)”

Only God’s Fire

A close up of a painted Dyed4you silk called Glory of the Throne Room

In scripture, God clearly lays out the detailed instructions to be followed in the ways of worship, offerings and sacrifices for Aaron the High Priest. Sacrifices and offerings were consumed by that holy fire. This pure and holy fire was to be the only source of acceptable fire before Him.  Continue reading “Only God’s Fire”