Nurturing and Sustaining Love

El Shaddai Names of God Dyed4you Art flag

For those who have struggled to understand the mothering aspects of God’s nature, we have only to look to the name El Shaddai to see God’s nurturing heart reflected. Though El Shaddai is often translated as “God Almighty” (which is of course beautiful and true), the one that reflects the Mother’s heart is if the original word is understood as a contraction rather than a single word (the root of the single word being translated as “to overpower” thus “God Almighty”). 

If we consider Shaddai as a conjunction of “shad” (“shadaim” means breasts, representative of nourishment and sufficiency) and “dai” (enough – as in the word “dayenu” which is used at Passover meaning “it would have been sufficient” i.e. enough), the resulting meaning is where we derive the name “All Sufficient One” [Hebrew4Christian’s expounds on the name El Shaddai].

The All Sufficient One – El Shaddai – is like a mother nurturing her child. Pouring out love and protection, and even sustaining physical life from their own body. True sacrifial love. Every need met. Sacrificial, unconditional, “chesed” – which we know as lovingkindness. This chesed-love is described for us in Exodus 34:6-7 (VOICE) “…The Eternal God, full of compassion and mercy, slow to anger, and abundant in loyal love and truth,  who maintains loyal love to thousands of people, who forgives wrongdoing, rebellion, and sin…” We can picture in this a parent, who – despite the naughtiness of the child – never stops loving, never ceases wanting that child to be blessed and taken care of.

So may we each embrace this nurturing and sustaining love. May we remember that we can never walk so far from the heart of God that we cannot return home. May we know the overwhelming and abundant love of our God who cherishes us deeply. And may we allow ourselves to both see ourselves and others in this same way, and to minister from that place of overflow and expectation.

I Keep My Word

“Grow in Faithfulness” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

In the spirit, I heard the Lord say, “I keep My word.” As I repeated the words aloud in response, I felt Spirit gesture towards my lips—His words that were tumbling forth with the breath of my mouth. There was a sense of oneness, and I was reminded of Matthew 18:18-20 (NIV):

“Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Continue reading “I Keep My Word”

Broken Beauty

Unbroken Identity” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Life and experiences have a way of causing us to feel broken—fatally flawed, beyond use or repair. But the fact is that value is all in perception. Why do two items of similar make often command completely different price points? Perceived value. Perhaps one has a designer label, or another may be reported to have superior design. Ultimately, it’s about perception.  Continue reading “Broken Beauty”

The Power of His Whisper

Speak Tenderly” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

In pondering the story of Elijah, Jezebel, and the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18-19, I was struck by the fact that Elijah was overrun with the fear of Jezebel’s threats to overtake him and kill him. Her voice grew loud inside of him until it was all he heard, becoming his main focus. He ran for his life, feeling weary, discouraged, and exhausted. 

Shortly before this, God had miraculously and powerfully demonstrated to Elijah, the Israelites, and the prophets of Baal that He is the true God. There had been a spectacular showdown between Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal: Both Elijah and the prophets of Baal were to build an altar and offer an ox as a sacrifice; yet neither was to light the fire to offer their sacrifice. Instead, each would call to his god, and whoseever god answered, burning up the sacrifice, was the True God.  Continue reading “The Power of His Whisper”

Verdant Outlook

Lush Garden” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Life and growth lie ahead. Expanding before you is a lush valley that is ripe with possibility. Seeing shades of green and pink – the colors of spring and possibility—new buds, verdant greens, and blossoms bursting forth in all their splendor. Sometimes, we choose to see a blank canvas as a void, but in reality, it is the very picture of possibility—it is a prepared space for beauty to take place. In the same way, the space before you is a prepared space for much life, beauty, and growth to take place. So step in —like a child skipping across the grass—with joy and expectation of more joy, and embrace the wonder that is to come, for it is good!

Oneness and Strength (2 Samuel 22)

This is a series of six Prophetic Nuggets from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams that are connected by scripture / theme. It is a series of three Prophetic Nuggets based on 2 Samuel 22:1-7; 17-20 (VOICE):

David: The Eternal is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; He is my True God, my stronghold in whom I take refuge, My strong shield, my horn that calls forth rescue, my tall-walled tower and strong refuge, My savior from violence. I call on the Eternal, who is worthy to be praised, and I have been rescued from my enemies. The waves of death surrounded me; the torrents of terror tugged at me. The sorrows of the grave tightly tangled me; the snares of death met me. In my time of need I called upon the Eternal One; I called to my True God for help. He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came to His ears. He reached down from above me, He held me; He pulled me from the raging waters. He rescued me from my strong enemy and from all those who hated me, for they would have overwhelmed me. When my enemies came for me on the day of my destruction, the Eternal stepped in to support me. He led me out onto a broad plain; He delivered me because of His delight in me.

Continue reading “Oneness and Strength (2 Samuel 22)”