Broken Beauty

Unbroken Identity” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Life and experiences have a way of causing us to feel broken—fatally flawed, beyond use or repair. But the fact is that value is all in perception. Why do two items of similar make often command completely different price points? Perceived value. Perhaps one has a designer label, or another may be reported to have superior design. Ultimately, it’s about perception.  Continue reading “Broken Beauty”

Verdant Outlook

Lush Garden” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Life and growth lie ahead. Expanding before you is a lush valley that is ripe with possibility. Seeing shades of green and pink – the colors of spring and possibility—new buds, verdant greens, and blossoms bursting forth in all their splendor. Sometimes, we choose to see a blank canvas as a void, but in reality, it is the very picture of possibility—it is a prepared space for beauty to take place. In the same way, the space before you is a prepared space for much life, beauty, and growth to take place. So step in —like a child skipping across the grass—with joy and expectation of more joy, and embrace the wonder that is to come, for it is good!

Into the Deep

Chokma (Wisdom)” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Step into the deep—the mysteries of the universe—like never before. Draw life and energy and abundance as you are catapulted to previously unknown levels. There’s so much more! A world is opening up to you—embrace it now.

Arise and Go Higher

The Seer (Ra’ah)” By Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

And suddenly there’s a break in the clouds and rays of light burst through in heavenly glory. May you see things that were previously masked, dimmed, or hidden. May the light lift you and take you higher. May you feel an unburdened lightness to your soul. Arise and go higher.

Sacred Healing

New Season” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Step into the quiet place and be enfolded by Divine Love. It’s time for deeper levels of healing in your innermost heart and the seat of your sacred place – your spirit. Allow creative forces to flow and refresh and renew the dry and weary places of your soul. 

This is a new season. There’s no reason to carry the hurt and wounds from previous seasons along for the journey, so choose to release. Choose to forgive. Choose to let go. Be made new. From the depths, refreshing washes over you. Receive.