Love in the Wilderness

Dear one, I know you have felt alone, maybe even abandoned, but beloved I do not leave or forsake my children.  I am with you in every season you walk through.  I know you view the wilderness as punishment but it’s not.  I lead you into the wilderness to have you to Myself.  The wilderness is where we work together.  It’s where we talk and pray together. I was with My Son in the wilderness for 40 days and look what we accomplished!  The wilderness is where I get to love you and have you all to myself.  Remember, I am a Jealous God and I will not share you with another.  Do not despise the wilderness instead embrace it for I am there.

Powerful Love

A powerful love that cuts through the darkness. Nothing can stand against it. Our God reigns in our hearts and minds. No thought, mindset, disease or curse can stand against the weapon of God’s love. His spirit of Truth will demolish every stronghold. He will not let anything stand against His authority, His power, His kingdom’s reign. We are commissioned to stand with Him, arrayed in His power and authority to dispatch all darkness and bring His great light.  Continue reading “Powerful Love”

Be a Child Again

Remember when you were a child and the whole world was filled with amazing new things to explore. To touch, see and hear new things. You had no fears then, you would climb trees and ride your bike downhill very fast and you were not afraid.  You were amazed at the smallest thing, an ant hill, a butterfly, a puddle was your delight. Continue reading “Be a Child Again”

Joyful Praise

Praise Me from the very depths of you, down in your innermost area. Praise when you don’t feel like it and when it’s hard to do. Such moments of praise arise to the next level for, as your Father, I know that it is truly a sacrifice of praise. 

Let your whole being—your body, soul, and spirit—come into one and praise Me. Let your praise bubble from the well that is deep within you, and let it come out like an explosion. Let it be as a symphony to the King, your King!   Continue reading “Joyful Praise”

The Invitation

{feeling and sensing} a thick weightiness – like someone placing a blanket around you, but placing it from back to front so it drapes over you!  But it’s not a blanket – it feels warm and light at the same time – like you are safe and surrounded. It is not like a demanding pressure trying to hold you down, but more like a newborn babe who is swaddled. You instantly know you are very safe and secure. It is love straight from the Father directly aimed at you.  It’s so pure and heavy but at the same time light as a feather – and you wonder how is that even possible but you know it’s both of these things. At times it pours over you from the top of your head down your body – like a liquid honey, but so much more than that. It doesn’t leave you sticky and messy, but filled with such overwhelming love.  You would love to just stay in this place forever.   Continue reading “The Invitation”


I am in the details. I know all about you and every need. Why do you not think I would want you to come to me for any and every issue you may have? Even the little ones that seem insignificant to you, they are all important to me. Every hair on your head is numbered. I so do care about you and every situation you face. Bring them all to me, the big ones and the little ones. No one thing is too small or too hard for me to do. Is there anything too hard for me? I am Lord who created all things, and I am in the details of your life. You are important to me, and I desire you to seek My face on everything that affects you to the smallest detail. Give it all to me and watch me work.  Continue reading “Details”

Child of God

I have been dwelling on identity lately and what that looks like as a child of God. I have been contemplating the passage about Mary sitting at Jesus feet listening to Him and receiving Him. It is a reminder that a Christ like life isn’t always about pouring out. It’s about sitting at His feet, being wrapped in His comfort, in His care. Receiving His tender mercies as a healing balm. Resting in His presence after a hard fought battle that doesn’t always look victorious. Dwelling in His love and knowing He cares no matter what the circumstances look like. Sitting in His truth and being overwhelmed by it, allowing it to wash away all the mud and dross. Being filled up, ready to dance again.  Continue reading “Child of God”

God of Righteousness

I had a vision of a shallow fast moving river flowing down into a waterfall then onward. A breath of wind moved in and around the river like a ribbon. This vision shifted to an ocean where I could see the depth and layers it carried. Then I could see the river flowing into the ocean. The river joined seamlessly being pulled into the bottom layers of the ocean and then up and over into the waves. The breath of wind had been riding on top of the river and instead of smoothly flowing over the ocean water it pushed against the ocean waves and caused an increase of water droplets spraying upward and outward.  Continue reading “God of Righteousness”

Still Yourself

Indeed, Be Still and know that I AM GOD!  How do you be still in this world of constant chatter and noise?  This world has many things to attract your attention. Every day is a challenge to find that quiet place.  But I tell you even in the middle of a busy day you can find your Still place.  You must learn to cultivate ME in your life so that anywhere you are, you can just breath and take a moment to seek that inner peace, which only comes from ME. Continue reading “Still Yourself”