Sent One

“Warrior Watchman” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

{vision} I saw myself wearing a unique necklace. The pendant was designed like a gyroscope, yet instead of a “wheel within a “wheel,” there was a “coin within a coin.” One coin face had a lion’s head and another that of a man. I had the sense that the other coin faces mirrored the rest of the four living creatures connected to the throne of God, the eagle and the ox (Ezekiel 1, Revelation 4).

Though this vision came to me in a quick flash, many things were downloaded to my spirit all at once. God has been speaking to me a lot about living from the place of our authority in Him. According to Ephesians 2:6, we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. I can be honest and say that, although I know this truth with my mind, it is a much different thing to know it in my bones and feel secure in that knowledge. Doubt, fear, and insecurities can creep in and cause a child of God to feel weak and worthless. Therefore, I knew this vision of the necklace was meant to give me further revelation about our kingly authority in Christ. Continue reading “Sent One”

Established in Him

“God of Wonders” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

The Glory of God is established upon the earth no matter how we may feel emotionally or physically. God reigns sovereign in Glory daily and at all times!

Override what your natural circumstances may be dictating and establish yourself in His Glory and everything He has for you daily. Recognize that you are His child who is deeply loved and kept by His right hand every moment!

By Margie Puckett

Refuse to Fear the Darkness, Simply Be Light

Pervasive Light” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Beloved, remember that you are a child of the Light, and darkness is powerless against the light. Darkness cannot say to light, “I refuse to go” or “I insist that I dim your blaze” because light trumps darkness. It’s not a fight for light to overtake darkness, but rather light expands simply because of the nature of what light is: light.

So remember your identity as a child of the day—a child of light. Walk in the fullness of that power unafraid knowing that you are equipped simply by the nature of who you are and how you are made. So be light, beloved. Be light.

Matthew 5:14 (NLT) “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.


Garden of His Love” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Beloved, breathe. Breathe in the atmosphere of heaven, God’s breath of life. Be refreshed by the essence of God’s nature.

Close your eyes, and meditate on the image of Yeshua. Open your spiritual eyes so that you might see Him. See His eyes full of love for you, beloved. With open arms, He welcomes you. 

Hear His voice call your name, “Beloved of Mine.” Feel His embrace as He draws you near His heart. He whispers words of endearment and encouragement in your ear. 

You feel His breath against your cheek as He speaks, “All is well, beloved. All is well. I have gone before you, made the crooked way straight. I am leading you to green pastures with springs of water for you to drink and meadows of flowers with fruit to eat. Come, beloved of Mine, come.”

By Nan DeNoyer

Be Unburdened

Unburdened” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Beloved, we were never intended to carry burdens. The One who holds out His arms waiting to receive yours is fully able and fully trustworthy. He is more mindful of your needs, desires, and call than you are; and He knows how to lead you and guide you and protect you – and will do so as you let Him. Trust without fear. He who loves you is able to carry you. Be at rest in His arms. There is peace in His presence and healing in His hands. His love will overtake any obstacle as you enter His arms.

Psalms 55:22 (TPT) So here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you.

Trusting the Lord in the Process: Walk by Faith, Not By Sight

Walk of Faith” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

When painting silk, sometimes I am led to pick up the brush and start painting without the slightest idea of what will be manifested. The colors are shown one at a time. Brushstrokes are shown one at a time. I dip the brush into the dye, and I just paint in the flow that I’m being led, still not knowing, still not having the slightest idea what the end result will be.   Continue reading “Trusting the Lord in the Process: Walk by Faith, Not By Sight”