For Glory and Beauty

In His Marvelous Light” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

{introduction} God desires for us to treat ourselves with dignity. He believes we are worth taking care of and wants us to reflect the same attitude towards ourselves. For me, this came in the form of clothing, but for each of us, it is different. What is important is that our heart is to cherish and treat with care God’s creation, which in this instance is ourselves. With that introduction, this is the vision and download God imparted to me. Continue reading “For Glory and Beauty”

Marking the Seasons

“In Every Season” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Genesis 1:14-15 (AMP) Then God said, “Let there be light-bearers (sun, moon, stars) in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be useful for signs (tokens) [of God’s provident care], and for marking seasons, days, and years; and let them be useful as lights in the expanse of the heavens to provide light on the earth”; and it was so, [just as He commanded].

1 Timothy 6:12 (AMP) Fight the good fight of the faith [in the conflict with evil]; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and [for which] you made the good confession [of faith] in the presence of many witnesses.

There is a time and a season for everything. Knowledge cannot change what time is sent to do. We need to stand firm in what time and season God has called us to and not waver from the promises He has established. He will fulfill those promises and bring them to pass as long as we stand firm in His truth and the knowledge that He is trustworthy. Continue reading “Marking the Seasons”

Gift of Refreshing

“River of Life” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Anyone who has ever floated a river knows that you will inevitably come to an area that seems very still with almost no movement.  How can it be that the same river has areas that are fast-moving and then all of a sudden you come to an area of stagnation? In these areas, you will find dark pools, bad smells, more mosquitoes, and snakes because the water isn’t moving. These are the areas where we hear different sounds, feel different temperatures, and have to work harder to keep moving. Continue reading “Gift of Refreshing”

His Greatest Craftsmanship

Fathomless God” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

The heavens and its starry host speak and declare God’s story and craftsmanship. They bear witness to His testament. Yet, the heavens have no audible voice. Its declaration of God as the one and only Creator and Sovereign Ruler is not in words but action.

The heavens exist and do what God created them to do. It knows its identity, its purpose, and the source of that purpose. There is no question or doubt. All the universe can do is simply be what it was created to be and do what it was created to do.  Continue reading “His Greatest Craftsmanship”

A Stroll in the Garden




I have been quietly working and spending time with our Lord. 

Yesterday, I strolled in our garden as the sunset, and I gave thanks to the Lord for all He is in our lives. I noticed the beautiful light that was cast on our garden and its flowers. The sun bathes our garden every day, but there was a mesmerizing new light that filled my spirit with a new spiritual expectation. It was beautiful! 

I heard Him say, “Capture the moment.” And as I looked through the viewfinder I could see much more…

Continue reading “A Stroll in the Garden”

Full Bloom

Healing Rain (Original)” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Prophetic Word – “Full Bloom”

I see your struggle, my dear child, and I know your pain. I see your tears, and they break My heart.  I watch you try to figure out what is happening in your walk with Me. You feel your prayers are not heard around My throne when I have all your blessings lined up and ready to send. You feel as though I AM a million miles away.  

Continue reading “Full Bloom”

Tune Into His Voice

Listen to the Sound” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

{vision} Holy Spirit is bringing to mind a graphic I worked on for social media. It was a picture of a man with his eyes closed and a peaceful expression on his face. He was listening. I overlaid the photo of sound waves to represent someone who was listening with their spiritual ears, listening for the frequency of the Father’s heart.

God speaks in so many ways. When we really stop to think about it, His voice is resonating in all of creation. In the beginning, He spoke creation into existence, and every particle conformed to His will. To this day, those particles still resonate with God’s initial commands.  Continue reading “Tune Into His Voice”

Squeezed, Pressed, and Crushed

Not Defeated” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

If you find yourself feeling squeezed and trampled on, it probably means that God is making grape juice, and He is about to give you a new wineskin that can hold that new wine. However, this is not the time to whine.

If you are feeling pressed and crushed, God is probably pressing out new oil for your lamp. Submit to the process. It’s OK to say “Ouch!” a lot in between the shouts of “Praise the Lord! Thank you, Jesus!” Continue reading “Squeezed, Pressed, and Crushed”

Great and Mighty

Made Mighty” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Be clothed in the identity of God, for He is great and mighty, and He has called you to walk in His mantle of authority. Refuse to feel small or insignificant, for a single bullet can reap destruction even as a single act of kindness can reap a windfall of blessing. So walk in the fullness of your call remembering that your natural eyes need not see the fruit of your impact for it to be present. Act in faith sewing seeds of life, truth, and love, and trust God to bring forth a mighty harvest of impact. 

Psalm 147:5 (NIV) Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.