Walk in Purity of Heart, Mind, and Spirit

1 Peter 1:15 (VOICE) Since the One who called you is holy, be holy in all you do.

Beloved, it’s time to step up to a new level. Things that were permissible in the old season must be released for you to move forward into all I’ve called you to. It’s time to let go or be dragged behind and miss My perfect will. Be holy, beloved, for I AM holy. Check your heart, your mind, and your deeds to make certain they are rightly aligned with Me. You know My voice.

Choose that which is best, not that which is acceptable. My love for you is unconditional, but the fulfillment you will experience from walking in the calling I have for you far surpasses the temporary “pleasures” of that which seeks to waylay you. Be holy, beloved. Allow the refining of My Spirit to do its work. Walk in purity of heart, mind, and spirit.

Priestly Role, a Surrendered Life

Numbers 4:16 (GW) “Eleazar, son of the priest Aaron, will be in charge of the oil for the lamps, the sweet-smelling incense, the daily grain offering, and the anointing oil. He is in charge of the whole tent and everything in it, the holy place and its contents.”

Beloved, you are called to be a priest – one who surrenders their life in service to Me – and part of a priest’s role is to facilitate My presence – the oil of My anointing – that My glory might burn brightly. Another part is that you lead worship by example, not just in praise, but in lifestyles of worship – heart fixed on Me – sacrificial particularly in the sense of surrendering control to Me (a holy offering).

As you release the reins of your life to Me, you demonstrate to others I AM trustworthy. No word need be spoken – I assure you, people see. Not only do they see, but they watch to see how I will respond. It is then they see My love and the inner strength, peace, and joy I bring. So live well, beloved, and walk in the priestly role you’ve been called to. Continue reading “Priestly Role, a Surrendered Life”

Set Apart

1 Peter 2:9 (VOICE) But you are a chosen people, set aside to be a royal order of priests, a holy nation, God’s own; so that you may proclaim the wondrous acts of the One who called you out of inky darkness into shimmering light.

Beloved, you are set apart. Chosen. If you feel like you’re different and you don’t fit in, that’s a good thing because I’ve called you out and made you holy. You are sanctified and whole. A new creation for My pleasure and My glory. Shine brightly, beloved. Make My glory known.

You’ve been set apart to be with Me, and to minister to Me. Sit at My feet as   Mary did. Lie against My chest as John did. Hover close, beloved, that we might whisper and dream together.  You are My own – My child, My precious one. Resist the temptation to sully yourself or get sucked into habitual sin. Be holy, beloved. Walk differently. You’ve been washed clean. Sparkle and shine for all to see.

Worth the Price 

1 Peter 1:18-19 (VOICE) You know that a price was paid to redeem you from following the empty ways handed on to you by your ancestors; it was not paid with things that perish (like silver and gold), but with the precious blood of the Anointed, who was like a perfect and unblemished sacrificial lamb.

Beloved, you were worth the price – though it was steep – you are that precious to Me. I want you to understand the depths of My love for you. I want you to understand your value. At the same time, I want you to understand what your sin cost because I want to see you choose wisely going forward. Though My grace is freely given, it isn’t free. It has a cost, a great one, you are simply worth it.

But do not fall prey to the enemy’s lies that a “small sin” here or a “little lie” there makes no difference. Beloved, you have been washed clean – don’t be coerced back into the muck and the mire – walk in integrity and righteousness. Choose wisely and exercise discernment. Do not trample the gift you’ve been given by treating it as though it has no value. Walk rightly and let your walk challenge others to do the same. Encourage one another in uprightness and love. Boldly be different from the world and do so unapologetically for this is not your home, don’t try to fit in. You belong with Me and you are Mine.  Continue reading “Worth the Price “