The name of your silk is YHVH Sabaoth (Lord of Hosts). The colors in it are:
Turquoise representing spiritual warfare
Maroon representing shed blood
Black representing crushing the enemy
Silver shimmer representing angelic presence
Sabaoth / Ts’vaot or Tsaba (Hebrew for hosts) means that which goes forth, army, war, warfare, host. YHVH Sabaoth denotes His universal sovereignty. He is the one who goes forth and leads the army.
1 Samuel 1:4-5 (ESV) On the day when Elkanah sacrificed, he would give portions to Peninnah his wife and to all her sons and daughters. But to Hannah he gave a double portion, because he loved her, though the Lord had closed her womb.
Just as Elkanah gave Hannah a double portion out of his great love for her, though she bore him no children, so too does My boundless love extend towards you. The place of favor you have in My heart does not need to be continually earned; there is no need, for you are inherently worth loving. My eternal desire is to show My great affections toward you and lavish you in a double portion of blessing—My Spirit and My Kingdom. Will you open your heart to fully receive what I have to give?
Though I am the giver of good gifts, a gift is of no use if it is not accepted. Therefore, I am stirring your innermost being and knocking upon the doors of your heart. Will you open to Me? Will you make room to receive your double portion?
Expand your mind, beloved. Remove the limits off of Me and off of yourself. Resist the urge to box Me in by determining what you believe I would and can do for you. For through the cross, you’ve seen how far I’m willing to go for you. I hold nothing of Myself back. As you let go of false and limiting beliefs, more of My Kingdom will begin to manifest in your life. For just as the earth draws the rain, so too will your open and believing heart draw the manifestations of My love to you in surprising new ways.
Song of Solomon 5:2 (VOICE) Her: I was sleeping, but my heart was awake when I heard a sound, the sound of my love pounding at the door. Him: Open yourself to me, my sister, my dearest, my sweet dove, my flawless beauty. My head is drenched with dew; my hair is soaked with the wetness of the night.
Beloved, I call you this day to a new place of awareness. I have touched your lips and called you to speak for Me. Like a wire that is brought to life when it is charged with electricity, so My anointing elevates your speech out of the mundane and gives power to the words that fall from your lips. Continue reading “Let It Rain”
Very early in my prophetic walk, I had several incredible encounters with the audible voice of God. Other than a smattering of Scripture references to this voice, it had never entered my mind that such encounters still happened. Primarily, I had these experiences while I was asleep. Somewhere between dreams, I would find myself pulled into a completely dark place. While my body was asleep, my inner man was suddenly wide awake. In the majority of these encounters, the only sense that was engaged was my spiritual hearing.
A close up of a painted Dyed4you silk called Glory of the Throne Room
In scripture, God clearly lays out the detailed instructions to be followed in the ways of worship, offerings and sacrifices for Aaron the High Priest. Sacrifices and offerings were consumed by that holy fire. This pure and holy fire was to be the only source of acceptable fire before Him.Continue reading “Only God’s Fire”
“Faithful Victory” – by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art
Isaiah 11:2 (VOICE) And on this child from David’s line, the Spirit of the Eternal One will alight and rest. By the Spirit of wisdom and discernment He will shine like the dew. By the Spirit of counsel and strength He will judge fairly and act courageously. By the Spirit of knowledge and reverence of the Eternal One….
Beloved, victory is always in your hands because I am always with you. As a carrier of My Presence, I have sent you into this world to accomplish My Kingdom purposes. And those whom I send, I abundantly equip that they may succeed. Continue reading “Draw Upon My Spirit of Counsel”
1 Samuel 16:23 (JUB) And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took a harp and played with his hand; so Saul was refreshed and was better, and the evil spirit departed from him.
Beloved, soak in the sound of heaven, for it brings peace. The enemy hates that sound. What soothes and ministers to My children offends the ears of those who hate Me. So stay in My flow. Bask in it.
Use your hands and mouth and whole body as a vessel for My songs to pour through. Make a joyful noise. Shift the atmosphere. Hold nothing back, and resist the urge to be caught up in skill level or lack thereof. Instead focus on what I look at: the heart.
1 Samuel 10:5-6 (VOICE) …Musicians leading them will be playing harps, tambourines, flutes, and lyres; and the prophets will be caught up in prophetic ecstasy. Then the Spirit of the Eternal One will overtake you, you will be caught up in the same prophetic spirit as these prophets, and you will be changed into a different person.
Beloved, lose yourself in life-changing praise. Surrender to My Spirit, and yield yourself to Me. Walk away changed, for I inhabit the praises of My people. Be empowered by Me and made new.
And in your “new” self walk in deeper levels of boldness of faith and purity of heart – of depth of compassion and unconditional love. Be like Me, beloved. May you reflect My nature, and may your words echo Mine just as your heart reveals My love.
1 Samuel 15:22-23 (VOICE) …Be certain of this: that obedience is better than sacrifice…
Beloved, yielding to My voice is one of the sweetest acts of worship you can bring. It is an aroma so pleasing before Me. It is a wordless declaration that you trust Me and that I AM a worthy God. No form of sacrifice outweighs the gift of your obedience.
Partial obedience is still disobedience. It is a sign you trust your own judgment and agenda above My own. If you truly trust Me, you will obey Me. Even your need to understand is based in a desire to judge My judgment.
Release your need to understand. Release your need to determine if you agree with My instructions or requests, and simply yield. Yield out of love. Yield out of respect. Yield to give honor. Yield to bring glory. Part of “giving your life to Me” is yielding to Me, so release any need to judge or control and simply trust and obey. Continue reading “Obedience: a Sweet Act of Worship”
1 Samuel 16:7 (NLV) But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”