In my desire to always have a heart of repentance, my constant prayer to be cleansed, my cry to be transformed more into Jesus’ image, and by my intentional choice to remain watchful of how I live and represent my God – even in doing all that, I may come upon something that rears its head. Something that I thought was out of the way – healed and dealt with. Another layer of my soul has revealed something that is still present from events of the past that are in need of attention. As I bring these things to the Lord, He is faithful to continue to work on these layers of my inner being. He’s ever so careful and gentle in dealing with me one layer at a time. Continue reading “One Layer at a Time”
Love People
1 Thessalonians 2:19 (TPT) For what will be our confident hope, our exhilarating joy, or our wonderful trophy that we will boast in before our Lord Jesus at his appearing? It is you!
Beloved, keep your eyes on the prize. The greatest gift you can give Me, is to lead more of My children home. You can waste years stockpiling material goods, yet none of that stays with you when you pass. You can spend decades flowing in My gifts, and yet all of them will eventually cease – only love remains.
So love well, and love with intention. Love the unlovable, and those who seem “fine.” Be steadfast in your love that all may know My heart. Indeed show your love for Me by doing so – even when it’s hard and you least feel able to. Dig deep, press into Me, and love. Spend time on that which truly matters, and on that which remains. Love people, beloved, and love them well.
Faithful God (El Aman)
1 Thessalonians 5:24 (VOICE) For the God who calls you is faithful, and He can be trusted to make it so.
Beloved, I AM El Aman, the Faithful God. I AM true to My word. I watch over it to see it fulfilled. My promises are YES and AMEN. They are settled. They are done. You can rely on Me. Others may have let you down, but beloved, I am not them. Trust Me. I will bring it to pass.
Trust requires belief, and I AM a rewarder of those who believe that I AM and who diligently seek Me. So simply keep your eyes fixed on Me. I know I say this again and again, but the world is vying for your attention and the enemy desires to distract you – pulling, pulling from every direction – so quietly, again I say, “Keep your heart and eyes fixed on Me.”
Don’t be discouraged if your gaze has shifted – simply move it back. Beloved, I would rather you choose Me over and over a hundred times a day than that you blow it once and never try again. I understand, and I love you. Fix your gaze on me and trust.
Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV) But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.