Stand Fast

2 Corinthians 10:5 (AMP) We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ,

Beloved, stand fast. You know Me. When someone tells lies about you to your loved ones, what response do you desire them to have? Tuck tail and buy into the lies? Or stand fast and refuse to be moved; to know you so well that nothing can shake what they know to be true?

Beloved, that is what I desire too. For My children to know Me so well that they won’t attack My character when the lies and whispers of the enemy come, but rather that their vision of who I AM be immovable. Firmly rooted in the Truth. Unshakable. No lie can distort. No circumstance discourage. That you all might know who I AM. That I AM good. I AM for you and not against you. That I AM righteous and merciful. I AM love. And you are Mine.

Essential Faithfulness and Truth

Psalm 89:8 (AMPC) O Lord God of hosts, who is a mighty one like unto You, O Lord? And Your faithfulness is round about You [an essential part of You at all times].

Beloved, My faithfulness surrounds Me. It is evident in everything I do and everything I AM. Those who know Me (truly know Me), know I AM faithful, always mindful of My word – watching over it to be certain it comes to pass. I speak only truth for I AM truth. My promises are affirmed – a certainty – bringing forth a resounding “Amen” (So be it)! Thus My character is unimpeachable, sterling, true.

So let your yes be yes and your no be no. Reflect My character, walking in your own faith and faithfulness. May your mouth speak only truth, and may your heart reflect on that which is good and faithful. Be like Me, for you are made in My image. May your integrity be an essential part of who you are and how you are known, that you may be more like Me thus bringing Me glory. Continue reading “Essential Faithfulness and Truth”

A Slave to Bondage No More

2 Corinthians 3:17 (AMPC) Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom).

Beloved, My Spirit brings freedom. Receiving Me is receiving My Spirit. You are a slave to bondage no more. My Spirit lives within you. The traps of the enemy cannot hold you as you surrender yourself to Me. Let My Spirit lead and guide you. Be sensitive to My flow. I will direct you, I will teach you, and I will convict you. Trust Me to lead you rightly (and trust Me to lead others rightly as they surrender to Me too).

I can open the door to your cage, but I cannot force you to fly. You must choose to fly free. I have made a way, but you must walk it out. Beloved, soar with Me. You’ve been released – the chains broken – don’t believe the enemy’s lies that you are still his hostage. The blood has paid the price, you need not try to pay it again – it is already covered – simply move in the freedom that came at so high a cost.

You are Mine 

2 Corinthians 6:18 (TPT) I will be a true Father to you, And you will be my beloved sons and daughters,” says the Lord Yahweh Almighty.

Beloved, I have adopted you and claimed you as My own. You are Mine and I am yours. You are accepted and not rejected, loved and not ignored, and treasured not marginalized. You matter to Me on a deep level. I call you My own.

It is My responsibility to protect you and provide for you. Stay under My wing and let Me. Don’t struggle against Me or push away simply because others have let you down. I’m not them. And in moments you feel like I’ve let you down, quietly trust that I AM working on your behalf even when you can’t see it.

You are Mine, beloved. I do not take that lightly. I cherish you. You are My beloved one. Let Me lavish you with My love.

Tune in to My Voice and Hold Fast to My Truth

Ephesians 6:17 (AMP) And take the helmet of salvation…

Beloved, the enemy is a liar and the father of lies. His desire is to debilitate you with fear and doubt and unbelief. Do not listen to him. Remember who you are to Me. Remember what I have called you to. Remind yourself of My promises and My truth. I AM love and I love you with an everlasting love that can never change, do not let the enemy tell you differently.

Do not concern yourself with the fact that you hear his whispers – of course you do, he is working at all times towards your demise – but rather focus your efforts and energies on Me and My promises that his whispers would be of no avail. Force them into a position of powerlessness by being so secure in My truth that you are unshakable.

This, beloved, is your helmet of salvation. Your mind protected from his onslaught, his thought bombs diffused by My truth. Hold fast and do not waver in your trust in Me and knowledge of the truth. Close your ears to his lies and tune in to My voice as you hold what I have said dear in your heart. I AM truth.

2 Corinthians 10:5 (VOICE) We are demolishing arguments and ideas, every high-and-mighty philosophy that pits itself against the knowledge of the one true God. We are taking prisoners of every thought, every emotion, and subduing them into obedience to the Anointed One.