The Key is to Call

Jeremiah 33:3 (MSG) ‘Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.’

Beloved, the key is to call. Too many desire intimacy with Me, but don’t pursue Me. Too many long to share in My mysteries, yet never even ask. Resist the urge to leave the pursuit to Me, and ask, seek, and knock – for the door will be opened.

Make time for Me. Make space in your life and quiet your heart. Listen for My voice. You will have trouble hearing if you are forever speaking, so be intentional about being quiet. Then trust My voice. Trust that it’s My voice you hear and that I can correct you if you are led astray. Keep your heart set on Me and refuse to allow your focus to be drawn away. I AM worth your attention, beloved, and I have so much I long to share.

Immerse Yourself in Me

John 17:17 (VOICE) Immerse them in the truth, the truth Your voice speaks.

Beloved, saturate yourself in My word. In the same way you get to know people in your life by spending time with them, you will come to know Me with greater understanding the more time you spend with Me and in My word.

Listen for My voice. Be slow to speak, for I know your heart, so be intentional to pause and be still. Wait on Me. Abide with Me. Dwell in My presence. I AM with you always, be intentional to tune in to My frequency. Immerse Yourself in Me.

Make Love Top Priority

Galatians 5:14 (TLB) For the whole Law can be summed up in this one command: “Love others as you love yourself.”

Beloved, make love your top priority. Make love your first response. Be filled with My love that you might pour forth from your overflow. Be saturated by My love as you abide in My presence. Be restored, renewed, refreshed, and healed.

Choose love, refusing to indulge your pride with fleshly responses, but rather seeking to be like Me – loving without reserve, loving with no thoughts of self-preservation. Let your love change those around you. Let it be a window to My heart that they might see Me. Choose love, beloved, choose love.

Constant Communion

Philippians 1:4 (VOICE) My spirit is lightened with joy whenever I pray for you and I do constantly

Beloved, keep your heart in an attitude of prayer always – in constant communion with Me. Stay tuned into My voice. Ready and awaiting My instruction. My sheep know My voice and another’s they will not follow, so trust that you will hear Me and hear Me rightly.

Freedom and refreshing are found in My presence. Be strengthened and restored with My joy. Listen intently for My still small voice directing you, “this is the way, walk ye in it.” My desire for you to know My heart exceeds your desire to hear, so trust that I will make clear My thoughts when you earnestly desire to know them.

See Me As I AM

Psalm 96:6-7 (VOICE) Honor and majesty precede Him; strength and beauty infuse His holy sanctuary.

Beloved, see Me as I AM. High and lifted up. Honor and majesty go before Me, My grandeur and glory fill the heavens and the earth. I AM vast and unchangeable. You can spend the rest of your life attempting to plumb the depths of Me and still only scratch the surface.

Behold, beloved, the beauty of my majesty. Be strengthened in My presence and encouraged by a deeper understanding of who I AM. As you understand in greater measure how enormous and truly powerful I AM, you can’t help but worship – can’t help but trust. When you have glimpsed My heart, you cannot help but understand that I AM God and I AM good.

Relentlessly Seek Me and Ask for Wisdom

1 Kings 3:10 (TLB) The Lord was pleased with his reply and was glad that Solomon had asked for wisdom.

Beloved, ask Me. Ask Me for wisdom. In the asking you show that you are laying down self-sufficiency and acknowledging your need of Me, which is good both in that it is to your benefit to seek Me, and also in that it is beautiful to My heart when you seek Me and My thoughts and insights.

Yes, My ways are higher and often difficult to understand, but as our intimacy grows I am able to share more and more with you. The question is not whether or not there is more for Me to share with you, but rather how much time do you want to spend with Me for what I have to share is limitless. I love to reveal My mysteries with My trusted and faithful ones who relentlessly seek Me. It is your choice whether or not you want that to be you. [Feeling Him gently smile as He says that.]

Worth Knowing

Isaiah 58:11 (NLT) The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.

Beloved, I AM all that you need. Rest in Me and let Me provide and heal, refresh and restore, build up and inspire, teach and reveal. I long to dwell with you, to have you abide in My presence, that we might commune together and nourish each other’s hearts.

You cannot imagine how much you please Me, how your fumbling attempts bless Me. Stop being so hard on yourself and trust My love for you, trust that I AM good and that I AM looking for the good in you. I AM not looking for reasons to be angry, beloved. Nor am I eagerly awaiting standing in judgment of you. Refuse to allow the world’s view of who I AM to color your view. Know Me and know My heart. Like you, I AM worth knowing.

Cultivate a Place for Me to Dwell

Exodus 20:20 (VOICE) Moses: Don’t be afraid. These powerful manifestations are God’s way of instilling awe and fear in you so that you will not sin; He is testing you for your own good.

Beloved, be mindful not to allow familiarity to breed contempt. I AM still God. I love you and cherish intimacy with you, I’ve provided grace for you and granted you forgiveness, but at no point have I relaxed My standards on what is good and what is evil.

The enemy will tempt you to flirt with the line between sin and what is permissible, but if your heart truly knows who I AM and you love Me, you will not want to grieve Me by following the letter of the law rather than the spirit. Know My heart and strive to be like Me. Cultivate a place for Me to dwell within you.

Come Soar in My Love

Exodus 13:22 (GW) The column of smoke was always in front of the people during the day. The column of fire was always there at night.

Beloved, I AM always with you and I will never leave you. Abide with Me. Absorb the peace found in My presence and let your spirit take flight. As you soar with Me, feel the wind of My Spirit. Let Me bring you higher and higher. Trust Me.

Place your hand in Mine, beloved. Let Me carry you away. Behold, you are beautiful My love and you have captured My heart. You have captivated My gaze. You are the apple of My eye, the center of my world. Just as young lovers cannot get enough of each other’s presence, so I long to be with you. Will you abide with Me? Come soar in My love.

Bathe Luxuriously in My Word

Psalm 119:130 (VOICE) When Your words are unveiled, light shines forth; they bring understanding to the simple.

Beloved, I bring wisdom through the revelation of My word. My word is a conduit for truth and understanding. As you wash yourself in it (taking the time to luxuriously bathe), I impart to you via divine revelation truths you have not yet known.

Seek Me, beloved. My word is My heart laid bare, know Me. Hear My heart cry and feel the depth of My longing for the hearts of My people. For the more of Me that is hidden in their hearts, the more radiant they become, and that glow draws others home to Me. A beautiful gift from My beloved to Me.