Singleminded Pursuit

Exodus 23:2 (VOICE) Even if the majority of people are doing evil, do not follow them…

Beloved, choose rightly regardless of circumstance or influence. Know My word so well that your compass is not shaken regardless of who is wandering off the path. Be steadfast in righteousness, and pray for those who have compromised themselves – for “there but for the grace of God…”.

Stay in a place of humility, not judging those who’ve stumbled, but gently encouraging them to right by walking steadfastly in ways that please Me. Have compassion, but don’t be tempted to concede as much as one step on a path not of Me. Refuse to be swayed regardless of who has (or how many have) chosen that which displeases Me. Make My will your focus and destination, and be singleminded in that pursuit.

Steadfastly Believe the Best

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (TPT) …Love…never stops believing the best for others…

Beloved, continually believing the best of those around you in the face of evidence to the contrary doesn’t make you gullible or foolish, it makes you hope-filled. Catch My vision of who each individual is and hold fast to that knowledge, refusing to be swayed into believing something different.

Align with My heart for them and operate from an expectation of that good. Prophesy and call it forth. Pray for them that it might be manifest. And through it all love them, extend grace to them, and steadfastly believe the best of them. Continue reading “Steadfastly Believe the Best”

Weightless in Him

{my heart cries} I will seek You, God. I choose You. Regardless of circumstance. Regardless of the cost. I choose You because You are worth it all. You are so good and Your love exceeds my understanding.

{He responds} I will meet you, beloved. As you step out in faith, placing all your trust in Me, I will meet you there. I AM faithful and My heart for you is true. Rest in Me.

{feeling His hand extended toward me, I look at it – so large, plenty big to handle anything that might come against me or give me cause for concern – and I place my hand in His. I feel Him gently pull me along side Him and the closer I get I feel lighter and lighter until I am weightless by His side. Aligned with Him. Trusting in Him. Yielded to His lead. Resting in His loving care of me.}

1 Peter 5:7 (VOICE) Since God cares for you, let Him carry all your burdens and worries.

Nourish Yourself Wisely

Amos 5:14 (AMP) Seek (long for, require) good and not evil, that you may live; And so may the Lord God of hosts be with you, Just as you have said!

Beloved, hunger and thirst for Me and for the things of Me and the things that please Me. Seek that which is good and perfect and true, what is godly and beautiful and righteous, and what is holy, a blessing, and brings glory to My name.

Water the seed of righteousness within you. Refuse to be drawn in by things that are evil or the ways of the wicked. Have eyes to see and ears to hear that you might rightly divide the holy from the profane, the worthy from the unworthy, and that which is good from that which is evil.

Align with Me. Run your race by My side. Choose the side of victory and life. Beloved, that which you feed will grow. Would you indulge your sinful nature? Your fleshly desires? Or your spirit man? Nourish yourself wisely. Satisfy yourself in Me.

Be Mindful of Your Priorities

Haggai 1:9 (GW) “You expected a lot, but you received a little. When you bring something home, I blow it away. Why?” declares the Lord of Armies. “It’s because my house lies in ruins while each of you is busy working on your own house.

Beloved, be mindful of your priorities. Be intentional about being rightly aligned with Me and My will. Refuse to succumb to the temptation to be fixated on yourself and your selfish pursuits, and instead be steadfast in pursuing the plans I have for you, for they are good. As you delight in Me, I will give you the desires of your heart. Be intentional to delight in Me.

When I bring to naught your  efforts, it is not that I’m acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum because you didn’t pay attention to Me first, it is because I want what is best for you; therefore, I cannot prosper that which is outside My will, but rather only that which aligns with it. So seek Me first. Focus yourself on Me. Yield to My leading, and trust Me to lead you rightly.

Enjoy the Sunset and Await the Dawn

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV) To everything [there is] a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:

Beloved, resist the urge to cling to a moment if I AM drawing it to a close. Trust that – though yet unknown to you – the next season will be as beautiful and needful as the last, and each in their own unique way.

Celebrate the end. Give honor to the One who ordained it. But refuse to cling to that which is complete, instead embracing the hope of what is to come. Beloved, enjoy the sunset and await the dawn. I AM the beginning and the end. I AM the bringer of life. Hope in Me. Continue reading “Enjoy the Sunset and Await the Dawn”

Walk in Your True Identity

1 Corinthians 13:12 (TPT) For now we see but a faint reflection of riddles and mysteries as though reflected in a mirror, but one day we will see face-to-face. My understanding is incomplete now, but one day I will understand everything, just as everything about me has been fully understood.

Beloved, I see you and know you. I have accepted you – you are My very own. I see you rightly – the true you. How I created you. Allow My vision of you to shape your own. For your own understanding is flawed and incomplete, but Mine is perfect – seeing through every intention and failing to the way you were created.

I have called you by name. Respond not just with acceptance but fervor, for I speak truth over you, beloved, and I would have you know it and allow it to transform you into that which you have been called to be. Walk in the fullness of your true identity.

May the Overflow of Your Heart Mirror Mine

Ephesians 4:2 (TLB) Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.

Beloved, see with My eyes the motivations of man. Refuse to be affronted, but rather allow the fruit of the Spirit to pour forth from you as you move in patience, grace, and forgiveness. Act in a manner that you would have someone act towards a loved one in their moment of weakness.

Refuse to allow disunity, resentment, or anger to take root. Release any feelings of frustration and instead allow compassion to well up from within you. May the overflow of your heart mirror Mine that others may see and know Me by your actions alone.

Be Undeterred

Luke 18:5 (NLT) but this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!

Beloved, refuse to be discouraged. Press on and press in. Stay focused on My promises and on Truth. Refuse to accept anything less. I AM the righteous judge, Elohim Mishpat. I will mete out justice according to My wisdom, which is perfect and righteous. Trust Me. Trust My ability to protect and provide, redeem and renew.

Be undeterred. I have given you the vision, refuse to align with anything short of what you have seen. Demand that heaven invade earth. Speak forth life. Prophesy truth. Take each thought captive that seeks to oppose My word – both written and Spirit-breathed. My word is truth, beloved, and I will see it to completion.

Know Me in Truth

Matthew 7:23 (NLT) But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’

Beloved, choose to know Me and know My ways. Choose to obey My instructions. I’ve intentionally detailed the path of righteousness in My word so there is no room for confusion. Be mindful not to deceive yourself into thinking you can do your things, your way and do it in My name.

Beloved, do not take My name in vain. Refuse to misrepresent Me – to yourself or others. Know Me in truth. Know Me by My Spirit. Intentionally align with Me and My ways that I might be able to say in that day that I know you and you are Mine.