
Sitting in His presence quietly waiting to hear His voice. I hear the whisper, “Beloved.” I know that’s just the beginning of what He plans to say, and yet I get stuck there, feeling my throat begin to tighten and tears begin to well as I ponder the privilege it is for Him to call us – call me – by that name.

I am His beloved and He is mine. I know this intellectually, but most days what that actually means barely penetrates the surface. I am My beloved’s and My Beloved is mine. I hear Him whisper, “Yes. Yes, My love.” I know He’s encouraging me to let this sink in deeper, to let it be more than simply a saying written in Hebrew on a ring that never leaves my hand. To know. To truly know. Continue reading “Beloved”

Love Takes Action

James 1:22 (VOICE) Put the word into action. If you think hearing is what matters most, you are going to find you have been deceived.

Beloved, knowing My word is vital. You know this to be true. And knowing it is useless without putting it into action. Knowledge puffs up. Love takes action. Love chooses to obey and trust. Love chooses to extend mercy and forgiveness. Love seeks to bless and care for others. Love is reflecting Me.

The enemy will always seek to distort My will. He will twist My word and try to bring confusion. Rely on My Spirit to guide and direct, and to bring clarity and discernment. Do not expect perfection because even I don’t expect it from you. Be quick to correct your course if you find you’ve stepped off My path. Repent and realign with Me. I AM patient and slow to anger, and I extend much grace. Receive it and walk well with Me. Continue reading “Love Takes Action”

Carry an Atmosphere of Peace 

Psalm 5:3 (AMP) In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will prepare [a prayer and a sacrifice] for You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart].

Make time to meet with Me, beloved. Come sit with Me. Wait on Me. Listen for My voice. Start your day with a pause. Allow My shalom – the peace that wars against chaos – to settle in your heart and mind. Start your day in that place of quiet, tuned into My frequency. Learn to find that place quickly and stay there.

Carry that quiet with you throughout your day. The enemy will seek to shatter it, but hold fast to it and to Me. It is your Inheritance, it belongs to you and is your right. He cannot take it away, only you can release it. So don’t let go. Hold fast and walk in peace, shifting the atmosphere around you to align with that peace rather than aligning to its chaos. Find Me in that place and hold on tight, I AM with you always.

Pray for My Kingdom to Come

Matthew 6:10 (VOICE) Bring about Your kingdom. Manifest Your will here on earth, as it is manifest in heaven.

Beloved, remember to pray for My kingdom to come – that My will might be established in the earth. Align with My heart and My plans. Darkness trembles when your prayers align with My will. The prayers of the righteous bring forth tremendous results. I hear your prayers – each and every one. Never hesitate to share your heart with Me for your thoughts are precious to Me.

And beloved, persist in prayer – do not grow weary. Let your heart be moved and let My Spirit lead as you pour out your petitions before My throne. I do not take them lightly. When we partner together, the enemy doesn’t stand a chance. Let My Spirit move you with compassion. Take the time to bless and pray for those around you. No prayer goes unheard. Even the smallest petition can move My heart. Have eyes to see and ears to hear and join with Me as you pray for heaven to come.

James 5:16 (AMP) …The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].

Align with My Cadence 

2 Samuel 5:24 (VOICE) When you hear the sound of a mighty army marching, reverberating in the tops of the balsam trees, come quickly and fight, for the Eternal has gone ahead of you into battle to destroy the army of the Philistines.

Beloved, listen for My sound. Listen for My heartbeat. Listen for the sound of Me moving – taking action. Tune in your spiritual senses to My frequency so you may be alert to how I AM moving. I want you to know. I do not want you to be surprised. I want you aligned with Me – in step with My cadence – so catch My rhythm and move with Me.

When we align, the results that come forth have supernatural impact. Like when the walls of Jericho fell at the sound of the blasts and the shouts of Israel, when My people align with Me – My heartbeat, My rhythm, My sound – and move with Me, I move in power and darkness trembles. Hear Me, beloved, and move with My sound!

Amos 3:7 (TLV) For the Lord Adonai, will do nothing, unless He has revealed His counsel to His servants the prophets.

Joshua 6:20 (ESV) …As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout, and the wall fell down flat…

Shift Your Understanding of Who You Are

Ephesians 1:6 (KJV) To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

Beloved, you are no longer alone. You are grafted in, a part of My family – a part of Me. Adopted. Accepted. Beloved. Your DNA has changed – your fundamental makeup. See what I see. See rightly. Align your sense of self with how I see you. My Spirit dwells in you, and as you abide in My presence My glory reflects in your countenance.

Do not grow weary of My presence or allow it to become commonplace or valueless. My presence is a gift, a blessing, a resting place for your heart. In My presence you are healed, refreshed, restored, made whole. As you dwell with Me a deep sense of belonging takes root in your heart as My thoughts and actions  repeatedly demonstrate who you are – that you are precious and prized. Allow My heart towards you to shift your own understanding of who you are. Align your view with Mine. You are safe with Me.

What’s Mine is Yours

Luke 15:31 (ESV) And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.

All that’s Mine is yours, and all that’s yours is Mine. Just as you surrendered all to Me when you gave Me your heart, beloved, so all I have is yours. As you align with Me and we walk in unity, there is no lack. For I AM with you. Rest in Me. Let Me lead you, guide you, and direct you. Let Me position you for blessing. Stay yielded to Me.

Move with My Spirit as we walk together, trusting Me to steer you rightly. If your heart is to hear Me and do My will, I will make sure you’re accurately understanding My instructions. Trust Me. Trust Me and obey. Position yourself for blessing. Stay in step with Me and pliable to My Spirit’s leading. Be expectant, knowing I AM a good Father who loves His children. I AM faithful. Continue reading “What’s Mine is Yours”

Eyes on the Throne

Isaiah 6:1 (TLB) …I saw the Lord! He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the Temple was filled with his glory.

Beloved, do not lose sight of Who I AM, the brilliance of My majesty, the grandeur of My glory. It is not in pride or arrogance that I tell you to keep your thoughts fixed on this, but rather so your vision will be rightly aligned. My hand is not too small nor My arm to short to address any issue that comes your way. The heavens and earth are My creation, and I AM sovereign. I AM bigger than you know. No problem can look large in comparison to Me.

So let My glory overwhelm you and fill your eyes with My splendor, know Who it is that is on your side for I AM for you and not against you. I AM the Lord of Hosts – YHVH Sabaoth – and there are far more for you than there are against you. Do not let the enemy tempt you to discouragement and defeat simply by his taunts. He is a liar and the father of lies. I AM truth and I rule in righteousness. Like a child trying to fight a grown man, there may appear to be a struggle, but in the end there is no question of who will win.

Do Not Be Distracted By the “Good”

Psalm 127:1 (VOICE) Unless the Eternal builds the house, those who labor to raise it will have worked for nothing. Unless the Eternal stands watch over the city, those who guard it have wasted their time.

Beloved, don’t waste your efforts on things I have not called you to, expending your energy and leaving yourself too worn out to complete the tasks to which you have been assigned.  If the enemy cannot stop you from doing good, he will try to deplete your energy and divide your vision by putting “good” things in your path to keep you from the things I have called you to put your efforts and energy to. Stick to your call. Stay aligned with My perfect will. There will always be more “good” things to turn your time and efforts to than you could possibly begin to complete.

Do not be distracted or emotionally manipulated into doing things I have not called you to. In doing these things not only to you misuse the resources I’ve given you, but you block the path of the one I HAVE called to do that “good” thing. So step out of the way. Be ok with saying no – trusting that all those involved want you only where I want you and if they don’t, THEY are out of alignment, not you – that isn’t for you to fix. You leading by example that following My will and trusting Me to put everyone in their right place encourages others to do the same.