Silk: Confident Faith

The name of this silk is Confident Faith. The colors in it are:

  • Seafoam green representing bathing in the warmth of His love
  • Cranberry representing of great worth and value
  • Mahogany brown representing depth of God’s love
  • Light turquoise representing water-like flow of the Spirit
  • Amethyst representing the promises of God and divine provision
  • Sky blue representing spiritual realm
  • Dark teal representing rich and fertile
  • Silver shimmer representing strengthened faith

Continue reading “Silk: Confident Faith”

I AM God Most Able (Elohim Yakol)

Matthew 19:26 (NLT) Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”

Beloved, nothing is too hard for Me. I AM able to see the way through every situation. Nothing shocks or overwhelms me. I AM the God who is able, Elohim Yakol (God Most Able). You can rely on Me. I AM trustworthy and worthy of your faith; nothing is impossible for Me.

I love to show My fingerprints – to do things to build your confidence – to wait and see if you’ll notice My hand at work and what your response will be. Will you thank Me? Will you give glory and honor? Will you testify of My goodness? Just as you like to be encouraged, I do too. You are made in My image. I like when you love on Me and encourage Me. Love like you want to be loved.

Silk: I Am My Beloved’s

This is a fun silk because the Dyed4you Community birthed it together. I shared this image of a silk I’d created on our Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page and below are the pieces everyone shared. From that Father filled it out even more finishing out the new word for the silk called I Am My Beloved’s. I pray that the words ministers to you as well as the video I shared at the bottom with a pair of XL (light) dowel flags made in this style.  Continue reading “Silk: I Am My Beloved’s”

Kisses of My Mouth

Song of Solomon 2:4 (AMP) “He has brought me to his banqueting place, And his banner over me is love [waving overhead to protect and comfort me].

I cover you with My love – shielding and cocooning you. Protecting, encouraging, nurturing, and restoring you with My presence and the fervency of My devotion. I nourish you with the sweetest of kisses from My mouth. Pause, beloved, and feel My love overtake you. Nothing have I withheld from you. The depths of My heart for you are incalculable so do not try to measure it, simply receive it as the gift it is. Let it be sustenance to your weary soul.

Watch for My kisses from heaven as I move in your life and the world around you. I AM leaving love notes for you everywhere, simply pay attention and find them. Notice even the most minute details I have aligned to demonstrate My love for you: whether it be in the rainbows and flowers that bring a smile, or the butterfly in a moment you needed to be reminded of beauty; the rainy nights that sooth your soul, or the vibrant sunshine that warms your heart – I AM here and I AM moving. I AM moving all around you, see Me. My heart is on display.

I AM Your Source of Strength

Psalm 30:7 (AMP) By Your favor and grace, O Lord, you have made my mountain stand strong; You hid Your face, and I was horrified.

Beloved, I will not turn My face from you while your heart and mind are fixed on Me. When you choose Me, I will never desert you. But I love you enough to let you choose. I love you enough to let you walk away – though I will not make it easy for you to do so, hedging your way with thorns and fiercely pursuing you – but I will not force you to choose Me, though I AM best for you; yet I will hope, and I will contend for your affections because you are worth it.

Even in the darkest hour, My heart remains steadfast to you. So lean on Me. Let Me give you strength, be your strength, be the lifter of your head (for I AM Rum Rosh, the Lifter of Your Head). I AM God.

Heart After Me

1 Samuel 13:14 (TLV) …Adonai has sought for Himself a man after His own heart…

I AM searching, beloved, for the ones who will choose Me above all else. The ones who eyes are fixed on Me and whose hearts are aligned with Mine. Pursue Me, beloved. Lay everything else down and choose Me. Not for what you think I can “do” for you, but simply because I AM. If you know My heart You know I AM worth the cost and the effort. And though I love you beyond measure I will not talk you into choosing Me because in the end it must be your choice for it to mean anything. And so I simply extend My hand to you and ask, “Will you have a heart after Me?”