Ephesians 6:17 (AMP) And take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
Beloved, if you would wield the sword of My Spirit, you must know My word. There are so many things that clamor for your attention as My word waits – unchanging and available – for you to feast. Choose to make the time. Choose to know Me – My heart, My ways, My instructions for you – for they are to protect you and bring you blessing and goodness in your life – My word is worth knowing.
The more of My word that is hidden in your heart, the stronger and more prepared you are to do battle against the enemy of your soul when he brings his onslaught. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I come to give you strength. The enemy will often twist My word, and just as when My Son was tempted in the wilderness and He refuted those lies with Truth – with the Word, so you must be equipped to do the same.
For it is not a question of IF the enemy will lie and twist truths, it is a matter of WHEN. Do not be found defenseless and weak, but rather prepare. Just as a lawyer spends time building his knowledgebase so he can make the arguments in court to win the day, likewise spend the time every day to build your arsenal and your strength. Again beloved, My word is worth knowing – I AM worth knowing.