Silk: I AM

The name of this silk is I AM. The colors in it are:

  • Chartreuse green representing flourishing
  • Amethyst representing redemption (blood and forgiveness under the cover of Royalty)
  • Electric blue representing intensity
  • Turquoise representing refreshing
  • Lavender representing peace
  • Imperial purple representing majesty and extended scepter

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I AM Limitless 

Revelation 4:3 (VOICE) The One enthroned gleamed like jasper and carnelian, and a rainbow encircled the throne with an emerald glow.

Beloved, I AM radiant. Shining in splendor. Enthroned above all. Swirls of color surround me. Light emanates from Me. I AM glorious. See Me and be moved in holy awe. Rightly see Me. Allow your spirit to discern and embrace My throne room. With your spiritual eyes see the glory of this place. Hear the voices crying, “Holy! Holy! Holy!” Understand My grandeur and majesty. Know Me as I AM.

Having seen Me as I truly am, would you try to put Me in a box? Would you try to contain or control Me? Beloved, I cannot be manipulated or controlled. Reject the temptation to make Me smaller so you can fully comprehend Me. I AM beyond comprehension – and that is good. I AM moving in ways you can’t see or imagine – and that is good. I AM bigger than you know – and that is good. I AM limitless! I know no bounds. Nothing is too great for Me for I AM greater than all. I AM.

Pray for My Kingdom to Come

Matthew 6:10 (VOICE) Bring about Your kingdom. Manifest Your will here on earth, as it is manifest in heaven.

Beloved, remember to pray for My kingdom to come – that My will might be established in the earth. Align with My heart and My plans. Darkness trembles when your prayers align with My will. The prayers of the righteous bring forth tremendous results. I hear your prayers – each and every one. Never hesitate to share your heart with Me for your thoughts are precious to Me.

And beloved, persist in prayer – do not grow weary. Let your heart be moved and let My Spirit lead as you pour out your petitions before My throne. I do not take them lightly. When we partner together, the enemy doesn’t stand a chance. Let My Spirit move you with compassion. Take the time to bless and pray for those around you. No prayer goes unheard. Even the smallest petition can move My heart. Have eyes to see and ears to hear and join with Me as you pray for heaven to come.

James 5:16 (AMP) …The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].

Sober Responsibility

Romans 8:5-8 (MSG) Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them—living and breathing God!…

Beloved, I have placed a power in you – My Spirit – that cannot be contained or controlled. And you are a vessel that I AM moving through mightily. My authority rests upon you. Move in it unapologetically. I have called you to touch My people and to bring My healing and restoration. You are My hands and feet, reflecting My heart, so that others may know Me and know Me more deeply. This is a weighty responsibility, to demonstrate My heart to those who need Me so desperately, but it is not a burden for you, it is simply a sober responsibility. But beloved, you wear it lightly, allowing Me to share that weight, and simply flowing in My spirit and it is beautiful. Thank you for allowing Me to move through you in such mighty and powerful ways.

I love you so deeply. But My love for you is not because of your yieldedness and willingness to move on My behalf, but rather simply because you are My precious child. And yet I love partnering with you to change lives. Thank you for being willing to lay yourself bare for the good of others. Walk in the fullness of all I have called you to, My blessing and My hand rest upon you.

Eyes on the Throne

Isaiah 6:1 (TLB) …I saw the Lord! He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the Temple was filled with his glory.

Beloved, do not lose sight of Who I AM, the brilliance of My majesty, the grandeur of My glory. It is not in pride or arrogance that I tell you to keep your thoughts fixed on this, but rather so your vision will be rightly aligned. My hand is not too small nor My arm to short to address any issue that comes your way. The heavens and earth are My creation, and I AM sovereign. I AM bigger than you know. No problem can look large in comparison to Me.

So let My glory overwhelm you and fill your eyes with My splendor, know Who it is that is on your side for I AM for you and not against you. I AM the Lord of Hosts – YHVH Sabaoth – and there are far more for you than there are against you. Do not let the enemy tempt you to discouragement and defeat simply by his taunts. He is a liar and the father of lies. I AM truth and I rule in righteousness. Like a child trying to fight a grown man, there may appear to be a struggle, but in the end there is no question of who will win.

Do Not Lose Heart

Psalm 56:8 (VOICE) You have taken note of my journey through life, caught each of my tears in Your bottle…

Beloved, you are not unseen. I am not heartless to your cries. Every tear you shed is precious to Me. Your heart is precious to Me. I see it all, and am with you through it all. Beloved, do not lose heart. Resist the temptation to throw in the towel. Though you may not have My perspective, know that I am seeing the true impact of your tears, and they are watering your harvest.

Each tear is like a small prayer, a groan of your heart too deep for words. Do not under estimate their power. Just as a tiny seed can grow into a huge tree, so each of your small tears can have weight far beyond what their size might imply. So stay the course, fix your eyes and heart on Me, and trust that all things are working together for good.

Build Your Arsenal

Ephesians 6:17 (AMP) And take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

Beloved, if you would wield the sword of My Spirit, you must know My word. There are so many things that clamor for your attention as My word waits – unchanging and available – for you to feast. Choose to make the time. Choose to know Me – My heart, My ways, My instructions for you – for they are to protect you and bring you blessing and goodness in your life – My word is worth knowing.

The more of My word that is hidden in your heart, the stronger and more prepared you are to do battle against the enemy of your soul when he brings his onslaught. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I come to give you strength. The enemy will often twist My word, and just as when My Son was tempted in the wilderness and He refuted those lies with Truth – with the Word, so you must be equipped to do the same.

For it is not a question of IF the enemy will lie and twist truths, it is a matter of WHEN. Do not be found defenseless and weak, but rather prepare. Just as a lawyer spends time building his knowledgebase so he can make the arguments in court to win the day, likewise spend the time every day to build your arsenal and your strength. Again beloved, My word is worth knowing – I AM worth knowing.

Right Perspective

Ephesians 6:10-11 (VOICE) Finally, brothers and sisters, draw your strength and might from God.  Put on the full armor of God to protect yourselves from the devil and his evil schemes.

Draw from Me, beloved. I AM your strength. I AM your might. I AM power and authority. You are not alone out in a storm. I AM with you, beside you. So command the storm to be still beloved in My name, and whether the external or internal landscape changes, strength and peace are yours.

Gird up your loins. Without hiding My word in your heart you are defenseless, beloved. So eat it as those it were the choicest of meats bringing you strength and stamina because it does and it will. Know Me. Encourage yourself in the faith by seeing Me more and more for who I AM. Magnify Me in your own eyes so you might realize the enemy is no match for Me. As you know Me, you will be able to quiet your soul against the taunts of the enemy because you will know – TRULY know – that I AM greater. I AM.