You Stand with Me

1 Corinthians 16:9 (CJB) because a great and important door has opened for my work, and there are many people opposing me.

Beloved, refuse to be deterred. Stay focused on the call. It is vital so refuse to back down from that which would block your path. I AM the way-maker and I AM the key. Nothing is too hard for Me and no force in heaven or on earth can stand against Me.

Believe what I have told you. Take Me at My word. I AM not a man that I should lie or the son of man that I should repent and change My mind. I AM steadfast and true, I AM victorious and you stand with Me. Continue reading “You Stand with Me”

Rock of Ages

Isaiah 26:4 (AMPC) So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages].

Beloved, I AM the Rock of Ages – an everlasting fortress and stronghold. I AM your safety and protection, your rear guard, the One who watches over you. Put your trust in Me. Rely on Me. Deem Me trustworthy, and allow your actions to reflect that. Show the world through your bold confidence in Me, that I AM who I say I AM – that I AM God.

Choose Me, beloved, without fear or second guessing. I AM the Lord of Hosts, the Everlasting Arms, I AM your rock – a very present help in times of trouble. Look to Me and know I always provide a way. Simply seek Me and I will guide your feet and make your path sure. For you are Mine, beloved, and I do not desert My own.

I AM the Righteous Judge

Hebrews 10:30 (AMPC) For we know Him Who said, Vengeance is Mine [retribution and the meting out of full justice rest with Me]; I will repay [I will exact the compensation], says the Lord. And again, The Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause and the cases of His people.

Beloved, I AM the righteous judge. I AM Elohim Mishpat (God of Judgment/Justice). Leave exercising judgment in My capable hands and simply focus your attentions on Me. Trust Me to know your causes and see the injustices done and to address them rightly. I see fullness of every situation and the intentions of each heart. I understand why each choice and action is made. I know when to extend grace and when to bring correction (and how to do so most effectively), trust My judgment.

Yielding to My judgment in no way gives a pass to those perpetrating injustice, it simply indicates your understanding that only I know how best to address it and that you trust Me to do so. Simply taking that stand is powerful warfare, for in doing so you declare I AM trustworthy and righteous, and you acknowledge My sovereignty. This both leads others by example and sends a powerful message to the kingdom of darkness making you a warrior of light – beautiful and trusting your King.

Refuse To Be Silent

Isaiah 62:6 (AMP) On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed and stationed watchmen (prophets), Who will never keep silent day or night; You who profess the Lord, take no rest for yourselves,

Beloved, be relentless in your prayers. The enemy will always be persistent and tactical in his attacks, so be persistent and tactical in yours by staying focused and intentional in prayer. Allow My Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. Refuse to be silenced. Cry out. Declare truth and life.

I AM the way. I AM the truth. I AM the life. Declare the truth of Who I AM and the authority I hold into every situation and circumstance. Nothing is too hard for Me. I AM mighty. I AM strong. I AM the Lord of Heavenly Armies and I will not be defeated.

See Me As I AM

Psalm 96:6-7 (VOICE) Honor and majesty precede Him; strength and beauty infuse His holy sanctuary.

Beloved, see Me as I AM. High and lifted up. Honor and majesty go before Me, My grandeur and glory fill the heavens and the earth. I AM vast and unchangeable. You can spend the rest of your life attempting to plumb the depths of Me and still only scratch the surface.

Behold, beloved, the beauty of my majesty. Be strengthened in My presence and encouraged by a deeper understanding of who I AM. As you understand in greater measure how enormous and truly powerful I AM, you can’t help but worship – can’t help but trust. When you have glimpsed My heart, you cannot help but understand that I AM God and I AM good.

Shine and Shine Brightly

Exodus 3:14 (TLB) “‘The Sovereign God,’” was the reply. “Just say, ‘I Am has sent me!’

Beloved, you move under My authority and by My command, never forget the level of authority you are operating under. There is no greater power in heaven or on earth for I AM sovereign. I AM that I AM.

I AM the Eternal One who sees all, knows all, and loves you boundlessly. Despite the vast knowledge at My hand and all the things, people, and situations vying for My attention, you, beloved, have captured My gaze. In the midst of it all I pause – to tend to My beloved. To encourage you in all I have called you to.

See by My actions how precious you are to Me. Hear with your heart My instructions and execute them without hesitation or concern knowing I AM with you. Don’t hold back, beloved. Shine, and shine brightly. Be all I have called you to and let yourself soar in My presence and on My wings.

Confident Authority and Uprightness

Psalm 84:11 (VOICE) For the Eternal God is a sun and a shield. The Eternal grants favor and glory; He doesn’t deny any good thing to those who live with integrity.

Beloved, stand fast in My truth – armed and ready to withstand and not be shaken in the face of the evil one. I stand with you and enforce your victory. No weapon formed against you will prosper for you are Mine beloved and My covering rests upon you.

So walk in confident authority and uprightness; reflecting My character and nature that I might be made known. Extend grace even as you stand firm with your sword of truth and shield of faith to hand. Victory is Mine and it is assured.

Enforcing Your Claim

Joshua 1:3 (AMP) I have given you every place on which the sole of your foot treads, just as I promised to Moses.

Beloved, you are claiming territory for Me. As you exude My light, every place your foot shall step forces darkness to flee. My angelic hosts enforce your claim as you walk – reclaiming step-by-step, forcing back the darkness that seeks to encroach.

You walk in might for My presence surrounds you. So be intentional and unafraid, letting your light shine that My glory may be made manifest in the earth.

An Irrefutable Testimony

Matthew 19:21 (AMP) Jesus answered him, “If you wish to be perfect [that is, have the spiritual maturity that accompanies godly character with no moral or ethical deficiencies], go and sell what you have and give [the money] to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me [becoming My disciple, believing and trusting in Me and walking the same path of life that I walk].”

Beloved, hold nothing back from Me. Follow hard after Me. Allow Me to work My perfect purpose in and through you. As you allow Me in restrained access, My burning passion and the fire of My Holy Spirit refines and matures you, bringing forth your inherent strength and beauty of character.

Then as you walk in My favor – as one with unreserved access to the King – I will cause the miraculous to follow you. For your faith has declared My faithfulness thus My power will make manifest the fruit of your faith, making your life and your walk an irrefutable testimony of who I AM.

Safe in My Hands

Isaiah 26:3 (VOICE) You will keep the peace, a perfect peace, for all who trust in You, for those who dedicate their hearts and minds to You.

Beloved, take your hands off the wheel and let Me drive. You don’t need to be in control to be safe, on the contrary, doing so only brings the illusion of control. Like Dumbo’s feather, the illusion of control brings you a sense of peace, but it is not founded in truth. You are a child of the Light. Truth is your inheritance.

Beloved, release it all to Me. In My hands is the only place you are truly safe. As you shift control into My capable hands, it may feel awkward and uncomfortable at first, but know that over time, the burden it has lifted from you will feel more freeing than you can imagine.

Remember beloved that I AM the first and the last, the beginning and the end. I see it all. I know what is coming and know exactly where you should be positioned and what provision you’ll need. As you trust Me and yield to Me, I make you ready. I AM worthy of your trust. Lay down the idol of needing to understand and fully release yourself in to My care, for I love you and I will never leave you. You are safe in My hands.