Walk in Victory

Matthew 6:13 (KJV) And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…

Beloved, you can always ask that I not lead you into temptation, but know when the times of testing come, it is simply an opportunity for your character to grow. I AM with you in the midst of every trial, and nothing is too hard for Me. 

So look to Me, in seasons of trial and temptation as well as season of rest and blessing, for I AM God in them all. I AM the deliverer, YHVH Sabaoth – the Lord of Hosts, the One who walks in victory. And as you stand with Me, you walk in victory too.  Continue reading “Walk in Victory”

Choose Obedience

1 John 5:3 (VOICE) You see, to love God means that we keep His commands, and His commands don’t weigh us down.

Beloved, choose to walk in obedience not because you fear punishment, but rather because your love for Me is so great and your honor for Me goes so deep you’d never want to choose differently. You want to choose My blessings – the ones that come by obedience. Just as a good earthly father rewards good behavior, so do I. But even so, resist the urge to obey simply for My rewards. 

Instead just love Me so much that you want to obey My instructions with a joyous heart to demonstrate your love for Me. You know if I’ve said it, it must be important – even if you don’t understand. Choose obedience above understanding. Beloved, obeying My Word is not a burden, it is where true joy and blessing are found.

Walk in Blessing

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (AMP) He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time. He has also planted eternity [a sense of divine purpose] in the human heart [a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy, except God]—yet man cannot find out (comprehend, grasp) what God has done (His overall plan) from the beginning to the end.

Beloved, I have placed a longing in your heart for more. A longing that can only be fulfilled by walking out the call that I have ordained for you. You sense this. Your spirit feels the call. And now it’s time to step forward. 

For everything there is a season – a time to plan and a time to execute those plans. Now is the time to step forward into your divine destiny. I have prepared you and made the way clear. So walk on, beloved. The time has come to begin to see the fullness of all I have in store. Walk in blessing. 

Lavish Blessings

Isaiah 40:31 (AMP) But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] Will gain new strength and renew their power…

Beloved, as you tarry with Me, I will refresh and renew – I will sooth you with balm and heal your heart. I will strengthen and encourage you. I will build you up and empower you. 

Waiting on Me is no passive activity, much happens and much is accomplished even as you “waste” your time on Me. So pour it out and watch as I pour back – pressed down, shaken together, and overflowing, for I AM a loving Father and I lavish blessings upon My children. Have eyes to see.  Continue reading “Lavish Blessings”

The Fullness of My Blessing

Numbers 25:12-13 (TPT) So I want you to declare this: “I, your God, do pledge to Phinehas a covenant of peace, not only for him but for his descendants too. I promise they will always be priests because in his jealousy for Me, Phinehas covered the wickedness of the Israelites.”

Beloved, I AM a rewarder of those who pour out their devotion to Me. Just as you have not withheld from Me, so I will not withhold My blessing from you. Beloved, sometimes My blessing is simply staving off a curse or hardship. You may not always be aware of My hand at work, but never doubt that it is. 

Just as you are zealous for Me, so I AM zealous for you, beloved. I AM covering you in My peace and positioning you as I have anointed. Walk in the fullness of My blessing.  Continue reading “The Fullness of My Blessing”

Key to the Kingdom: Guard Your Mouth

Psalm 141:3 (VOICE) Guard my mouth, O Eternal One; control what I say. Keep a careful watch on every word I speak.

Beloved, a fool can be known by the volume of His words, so be slow to speak and weigh each word knowing you will have to answer for each one. So choose to bless rather than curse, to build up rather than tear down, and to speak life rather than death. Resist the urge to indulge in careless or needless words, for you often may not understand their impact until it is too late. 

The mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart, so tend the garden of your heart well. Refuse to allow bitterness, anger, or judgment to take root there. Meditate on that which is good. Choose joy and hope and love. Flow from that place and spread life to all those around you from the wellspring of your heart. 

Ardent Devotion

Numbers 25:11 (TPT) Eternal One:  Phinehas (Eleazar’s son and Priest Aaron’s grandson) has done well. He saved the Israelites. Because he was so zealous on My account, tolerating no compromise, I did not consume the people of Israel with My jealousy.

Beloved, I see your passion for Me. Your unreserved willingness to be obedient. Your steadfast intention to walk in integrity and model it for those around you by intentionally setting the bar high and through your very actions challenging them to step up and be their best self. 

I do not take your zeal lightly. And though you’ve acted in quiet humility, I will raise you up and showcase you as one who loves Me with their whole heart. So continue to shine brightly, beloved, and know that I recognize and am moved by your ardent devotion.  Continue reading “Ardent Devotion”

Let Your Joyous Exaltation Ring

Psalm 84:4 (VOICE) How blessed are those who make Your house their home, who live with You; they are constantly praising You. [pause]

Beloved, lose yourself in an atmosphere of worship and praise. Be overcome in awe of who I AM. Meditate on My goodness. Saturate yourself in My presence. Soak in Me, and abide in that place, rest in that place, and make your dwelling in that place.

Those who abide in Me are blessed, and the understanding of the blessing found by dwelling in My presence brings forth a heart full of praise. The welling up of gratitude bubbles up and overflows in joyous exaltation. “Holy is the Lord God almighty! Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.” Abide in that place, beloved, and let your joyous exaltation ring.

The Truth About Blessings

Numbers 23:20 (VOICE) Look here, I received a word of blessing, and He has spoken a blessing. I cannot take it back.

Beloved, My promises are yes and amen. I AM not capricious nor am I looking for reasons to change My mind. When I bless, I have blessed, and that blessing remains.

Resist the urge to be offended if the blessing is conditional, for I make the conditions known from the onset that you may choose rightly. Refuse to behave like a spoiled child who feels entitled to all life’s joys without care or responsibility.

What kind of Father would I be if I corrupted My children? I AM a good Father. So yes, some blessings come as a result of behavior, but also some come simply as a result of My generous love and desire to bless (like sunshine and rain).

So receive with gratitude all you have been given. Trust that I have reason for each thing I grant or withhold, release or delay. But you can rest assured that each decision is being made from a heart filled with love for you, and that even in the moments of trial I AM there. Continue reading “The Truth About Blessings”

Don’t Hide

Matthew 5:15-16 (TLB) Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father.

Beloved, you are My show piece – a glorious example of My beauty and grace made manifest in the earth. Don’t hide yourself; hiding yourself means hiding the glory of My handiwork that was created to bless, encourage, and impact the world around you.

Shine brightly, beloved. Refuse to hide who I’ve created you to be by bending to the opinions of man, but instead boldly live a life of authenticity, displaying the true you in all your gloriously flawed beauty that My power and majesty might be made known.