A common theme in my walk with God is how He uses clothing to symbolize our state of mind, character, and conduct. Ultimately, God wants to clothe us with Himself so that we will reflect His character and nature. One night, I had a dream where He used the clothing I was wearing in it to symbolize a challenging truth. Continue reading “Fiery Anointed One”
“Emboldened by the Sustaining Source” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art
2 Corinthians 3:12 (TPT) So then, with this amazing hope living in us, we step out in freedom and boldness to speak the truth.
You have been called to be bold for His Glory and His Holy name. Through Christ we have been set free, thus you have been empowered to speak the truth. Being bold doesn’t mean you have to beat others over the head with the truth. Simply stand firm for the truth of who our Heavenly Father is. Your life is the testimony of truth.
When you feel uncertain, grow weary or hopeless, with boldness approach our Heavenly Father. Allow Him to grow your boldness in multiple ways, one of which should be how to pray with boldness. Be persistent to pursue His promises for you. When your heart’s desire aligns with His, He will not deny you.
1 John 5:14 (TPT) Since we have this confidence, we can also have great boldness before him, for if we present any request agreeable to his will, he will hear us.
Beloved, you are called to be one – echad (Hebrew for one H259). Just as “The LORD is our God, the LORD is one” Deuteronomy 6:4 (NET). You are one Body of Christ. United in Me. Therefore, you must choose to walk in humility and grace that harmony may come forth. Truly be known by your love.Continue reading “Better Together”
Periodically, I’ll feel led to do a series of Prophetic Nuggets that are connected either by scripture or theme. This is one such grouping. It is a series of 10 Prophetic Nuggets based on the Armor of God. Continue reading “Armor of God”
Beloved, when I open the door into a new day and new season in your life, know with certainty that I have prepared you and empowered you for all that is ahead. You’ve taken many steps to get to where you are today, and you have learned many lessons along the way. Trust Me, for I am a good Father and Teacher; I always equip you to succeed wherever I call you to go. Continue reading “A Heart for Adventure”
Matthew 15:31(TPT) And the crowds marveled with rapture and amazement, astounded over the things they were witnessing with their own eyes! The lame were walking, the mute were speaking, the crippled were made well, and the blind could see. For three days everyone celebrated the miracles as they exalted and praised the God of Israel!
Deep intimacy with God is guaranteed to release the depths of our anointing in the Holy Spirit. We become like Moses who soaked in God’s presence upon Mount Sinai, and whose deep intimacy caused his face to shine with the glory. Yet very much like Moses, those who reach this kind of depth with God can often struggle with stepping out into the spotlight to show the world how God has transformed them. This kind of person is what the Jewish people call a tzaddik—a righteous one. A tzaddik is quite humble yet so deep in the flow of the Spirit that they become the very extension of God. Miracles abound in their midst and the kingdom of heaven is seen upon the earth. Of course, Yeshua our Messiah, became the chief tzaddik, shining with God’s love and glory that all might see. Continue reading “That Men May Marvel”
Beloved, cultivate your walk in boldness with Me. Let your life in boldness come forth from My solid foundation, for your courage is birthed in who I Am, not in your own abilities or inaccurate perception of yourself. Let your boldness flow from Who I Am. My nature is the template for who you are.
Exodus 12:41 (NKJV) And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years—on that very same day—it came to pass that all the armies of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt.
There comes a point in our spiritual journey where God calls us to shift how we see our relationship with Him and how we see ourselves. So often we may find ourselves focusing on God as our refuge and our deliverer. And indeed, He is all that and more to us; He has delivered us out of bondage with a mighty hand. And yet, an amazing truth is that God delivered so that we might join forces with Him. We are no longer slaves, instead, we have been called to stand by the side of our King as a mighty army. Continue reading “No Longer Slaves”
John 1:5 (NLT) The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
Your Heavenly Father has equipped you to shine bright as only You can shine! Your light and love is what will cast out darkness around you. His light and love are embedded in you and have taken such deep roots that it can never be taken from you. Continue reading “Shine Bright”