I AM the Richest of Fare

Psalm 37:3 (TPT) Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in His eyes. Fix your heart on the promises of God and you will be secure, Feasting on His faithfulness.

Beloved, feast on Me and on My goodness for I AM the richest of fare. Delight yourself in Me. Know My heart that you might act rightly and do that which is pleasing to Me. Trust Me and lean on Me, knowing I will not let you down for I AM faithful.

My promises are yes and amen. See them as done, beloved, for the moment they leave My mouth they are as good as such. Let the surety of them anchor you and provide stability as the enemy seeks to agitate and distract you. I AM faithful. I AM true. I watch over My word to perform it. Trust in Me.

Taste and See

Psalm 34:8 (NOG) Taste and see that Yahweh is good. Blessed is the person who takes refuge in him.

Beloved, taste and see that I AM good. Evidence of My goodness surrounds you. Try Me. Put your faith in Me and release the outcome. See how I move. I AM good and I love you. Blessed are those who rest in Me.

I AM your rock and your firm foundation. I AM unshakable and immovable. Find shelter under My wings. Let Me be your hiding place. Let Me be the one you run to. Taste and see, beloved. I AM faithful to the end.

All I AM Chooses You

Revelation 22:13 (TLV) I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Beloved, I AM full of apparent contradictions: I AM the first and the last, a pillar of fire as well as a cloud, my voice is a whisper and booming thunder – it is because I cannot be contained or defined. I AM bigger than you know or could comprehend. I defy definition.

But you do not need to have plumbed the depths of all I AM to know I AM for you. I AM faithful to the last. I AM holy and righteous, fair and just, and I love you with an everlasting love. I AM steadfast and unchanging. I AM on your side. All I AM is a God who desperately loves you and longs for relationship with you and to see you prosper.

My cry throughout time (and recorded in scripture) is simply that I would be your God and you would be My people. My heart has not changed. Will not change. Love Me and choose Me, day after day, moment after moment, beloved, just as I choose you.

Fill Yourself with the Unshakable Understanding of Who I AM

Revelation 4:2 (TLB) And instantly I was in spirit there in heaven and saw—oh, the glory of it!—a throne and someone sitting on it!

Beloved, quiet your soul, quiet your spirit. Let Me sweep you away – whether to catch you up into the heavenlies or simply have you rest in My presence. Meet with Me. Be saturated in My glory. Allow yourself to be completely overwhelmed and undone by My presence and the full saturating love you feel from Me.

Fill yourself with the unshakable understanding of Who I AM. For if you fully and truly receive that understanding, you cannot operate in fear because you know the One who loves you is greater and higher than any other (by far). Of whom shall you be afraid? I AM on your side. Be overwhelmed by My glory and walk in the full confidence of one who knows they have nothing to fear.

Let Your Anticipation Testify

Psalm 130:6 (VOICE) My soul waits for the Lord to break into the world more than night watchmen expect the break of day, even more than night watchmen expect the break of day.

Beloved, be a watchman on the wall. Alertly fix your gaze, watching expectantly for Me to breakthrough for I AM the God of the breakthrough. Let your heart stand in faith, knowing with full certainty that I will move suddenly. It may seem as though I tarry, but I tarry not.

Anticipate Me. Sober, alert, and ready – expectant, filled with confidence and trust in Me and My word. May your anticipation alone testify to your faith in who I AM and My faithfulness.

Love Well

Ephesians 4:2 (TLB) Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.

Beloved, I AM glorified as you accurately reflect My character and nature – you who were created in My image. As you walk in grace, loving one another well – being patient and kind; never jealous or proud, haughty or unkind, selfish or rude; being mindful to seek other’s wellbeing and promotion above your own; rejoicing in each other’s victories and comforting in losses; and ever being loyal and steadfast – beloved, that kind of love honors Me. It demonstrates My character without a word. Those actions testify to My goodness simply by moving in the hearts of those it touches.

Actions like that bring Me glory, a glory that radiates in the spiritual realm like fireworks would in the natural. And even those who may not “see” it in the spirit can feel and respond to it – often without even realizing what they are responding to. So continue to love well, beloved, and bring Me glory. Continue reading “Love Well”

Breathing Life

Genesis 2:7 (GW) Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the earth and blew the breath of life into his nostrils. The man became a living being.

Beloved, My breath brings life. Ask Me to breath into situations and over people. Ask for My breath of life – My Spirit – to change things. Ask Me. Feel My breath, My wind, in your life. I AM moving, beloved. Like a desert suddenly blooming, My breath of life brings dramatic change, refreshing and hope. Embrace it. Welcome and encourage it.

Remember that life is in you, beloved. You live because My breath is in your lungs. Breathe that life out onto others. Be intentional to do it. Choose life. Choose to release it over others. Carefully choose your words, beloved, and select only those that bring life. You are made in My image, reflect Me.

Choose Holiness 

Exodus 28:36 (KJV) And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, and grave upon it, like the engravings of a signet, Holiness To The Lord.

Beloved, just as I had the high priest wear the engraving “Holiness to the Lord” against his forehead – a frontlet between his eyes – so you must keep your mind’s eye fixed on holiness. Choose it. Be intentional about it. Choose it out of love for Me, because it is pleasing to Me, and choose it for yourself, because it is good for you.

I am Elohim Qadosh, the Holy God. You are made in My image, walk like Me. I know that even as you try to be holy there will be times you fall short, but beloved, don’t allow a lack of perfection to discourage you from even trying. Not being able to perfectly execute something does not absolve you of the responsibility of trying. Choose rightly, beloved. No matter what the world says, choose well. Resist temptation – you are able. I AM with you to strengthen you. Be holy as I AM holy. Continue reading “Choose Holiness “

I AM Your Strong Tower

Isaiah 58:8 (VOICE) Then, oh then, your light will break out like the warm, golden rays of a rising sun; in an instant, you will be healed. Your rightness will precede and protect you; the glory of the Eternal will follow and defend you.

Beloved, as you walk in righteousness it is My joy to defend you. I will silence the tongues that seek to slander you and bring destruction on those who would seek your ruin. Behold I AM a Jealous God. I love My people beyond comprehension and woe to them that would stand against you.

I have warned not to touch My anointed. I have cautioned and made the consequences clear. I protect what is Mine, and beloved, you are Mine. I both cover you with My feathers (gently protecting), and I AM the Lord of Hosts (waging war on your behalf). You are not without covering. I AM your strong tower. You are safe in Me. Continue reading “I AM Your Strong Tower”

I AM the Life Giver

Psalm 78:20 (VOICE) He split open the rock, and water gushed out; streams and rivers were overflowing!…

Beloved, I AM the Life Giver. Just as the rain saturates the ground causing it to flourish, so I will pour out My life-giving flow of Holy Spirit over you that you might flourish and bring forth life and life more abundantly. I am even now saturating you. Receive!

No heart is too broken or cracked, no heart is too hardened or dead for Me. Have I not brought forth life-giving water from a rock? Nothing is too hard for Me. I will saturate you. I will overflow your spirit with My own. I will bring forth life in the desert places because I AM the giver of life and I love to see you flourish.