I AM Limitless 

Revelation 4:3 (VOICE) The One enthroned gleamed like jasper and carnelian, and a rainbow encircled the throne with an emerald glow.

Beloved, I AM radiant. Shining in splendor. Enthroned above all. Swirls of color surround me. Light emanates from Me. I AM glorious. See Me and be moved in holy awe. Rightly see Me. Allow your spirit to discern and embrace My throne room. With your spiritual eyes see the glory of this place. Hear the voices crying, “Holy! Holy! Holy!” Understand My grandeur and majesty. Know Me as I AM.

Having seen Me as I truly am, would you try to put Me in a box? Would you try to contain or control Me? Beloved, I cannot be manipulated or controlled. Reject the temptation to make Me smaller so you can fully comprehend Me. I AM beyond comprehension – and that is good. I AM moving in ways you can’t see or imagine – and that is good. I AM bigger than you know – and that is good. I AM limitless! I know no bounds. Nothing is too great for Me for I AM greater than all. I AM.

Be Free

John 10:10 (VOICE) The thief approaches with malicious intent, looking to steal, slaughter, and destroy; I came to give life with joy and abundance.

Beloved, I AM Palet – your deliverer – your stronghold and safe place. In Me and through Me you are free. Though the enemy seeks to entrap you, deceive you, and weigh you down; you can choose to be free for you have Me on your side. Though he would drain the life from you and cover your joy with shrouds of depression, I AM with you to save you and deliver you.

Look to Me. Focus on Me. You can be mindful of his ploys enough to thwart them without giving him your focus. Be free! Stay close to Me. I AM your freedom. I AM your joy. I AM your strong tower. I AM the lover of your soul! Cling to Me and rejoice in your freedom for it is already done. Don’t settle for mediocre. I came that you might have abundance! Walk in the fullness of your freedom. Continue reading “Be Free”

I AM the Eternal One

Revelation 22:13 (AMP) I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End [the Eternal One].”

Beloved, I AM omnipresent. I AM everywhere at all times. I AM the first and the last, the beginning and the end – I AM. Never forget Who it is that is for you. Don’t let the lies of the enemy of your soul convince you I AM less than… I AM the Eternal One – bigger than you can begin to imagine – and I AM on your side.

May My majesty leave you breathless and My splendor make you stand in awe. Is anything too great for Me? Is anything beyond My reach? Remember My greatness. May I be magnified in your eyes. May you glimpse My glory and begin to have whispers of understanding of how magnificent I AM. If you see Me rightly, the scale of everything and everyone else becomes rightly aligned. Truly greater is He that is for you than he who is against you. I AM God. Continue reading “I AM the Eternal One”

I AM the Way Maker

Ephesians 6:13 (AMP) …and having done everything [that the crisis demands], to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious].

Beloved, there are moments to fight, but there are moments where all that is left to do is stand fast. You’ve prepared, you’re equipped, you’re positioned – it’s time to simply be immovable and leave the rest to Me. Knowing you have all of heaven behind you – the hosts ready and willing to fight on your behalf – be steadfast.

This is the test of faith. To stand at the Red Sea with an enemy bearing down on you, and to trust the One who is trustworthy to make a way where there seems to be no way. I AM the way maker. I part the seas. Stand in faith allowing your stance to declare your confidence in your God – in Me. I will not let you down. I will meet you in that place for I AM faithful and I bring victory in My mighty hand.

I AM Trustworthy 

Psalm 100:5 (TPT) For the Lord is always good And ready to receive you. He’s so loving that it will amaze you, So kind that it will astound you! And He is so famous for His faithfulness toward all. Everyone knows our God can be trusted, For He keeps His promises to every generation!

Beloved, I AM faithful. From generation to generation I AM the same – steadfast and trustworthy. I keep My promises. My word does not return void. It accomplishes its purpose. For I watch over it to make certain it does, so important is My integrity to Me. I can be trusted. I AM trustworthy. I AM worthy of your confidence. I AM safe. I will always receive you. I will not turn My face from you. Take My hand and rest in My word and the truth of it.

Be like Me. Let your word be your bond. Do not give it lightly, and honor that you’ve said. Reflect Me. Reflect My character. Help the world know Me by seeing you. You are made in My image and likeness, and My Spirit resides within you – this is not too hard for you. Even the little things matter. Your integrity is exemplified by choices made when no one is looking. Walk in righteousness, beloved. Let your actions glorify Me.

What’s Mine is Yours

Luke 15:31 (ESV) And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.

All that’s Mine is yours, and all that’s yours is Mine. Just as you surrendered all to Me when you gave Me your heart, beloved, so all I have is yours. As you align with Me and we walk in unity, there is no lack. For I AM with you. Rest in Me. Let Me lead you, guide you, and direct you. Let Me position you for blessing. Stay yielded to Me.

Move with My Spirit as we walk together, trusting Me to steer you rightly. If your heart is to hear Me and do My will, I will make sure you’re accurately understanding My instructions. Trust Me. Trust Me and obey. Position yourself for blessing. Stay in step with Me and pliable to My Spirit’s leading. Be expectant, knowing I AM a good Father who loves His children. I AM faithful. Continue reading “What’s Mine is Yours”

See Me 

Romans 1:20 (AMPC) For ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature and attributes, that is, His eternal power and divinity, have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made (His handiworks). So [men] are without excuse [altogether without any defense or justification],

Beloved, stop to look around you. See Me in My creation. I AM everywhere. My fingerprints surround you. Evidence of My existence. Evidence of My wisdom. Evidence of My creativity. Evidence of My design. Evidence of Me. See Me.

See Me and see My character. How I have provided for the smallest of creatures and seen to even the tiniest details. And My creation isn’t just functional, it is beautiful too. There to be appreciated and enjoyed – a feast for the senses, sumptuous, glorious, and breathtaking. It is all an extension of Me. My creation points to Me. See Me in it and know Me more.

Hear Me Roar

Proverbs 19:12 (VOICE) A king’s rage is like the thunderous roar of a lion, but his favor is like a cooling mist upon the grass.

Beloved, I fiercely love My children. I jealously guard them and have set My hosts around them to protect and battle on their behalf. You are Mine – My anointed people – and I roar over you. Do you not hear the sound? It reverberates through the heavens, and for everyone in that realm, there is no doubt you are under My protection.

Trust that I AM covering you. Even when you don’t see it. I AM thwarting the enemy’s plans left and right, protecting you from unseen dangers and traps. I AM covering you. I AM your rear guard and I go before you. I conquer the enemy and his attacks by day, and rebuke the enemy and his terrors by night. I AM with you and you are Mine. Continue reading “Hear Me Roar”

Eyes on the Throne

Isaiah 6:1 (TLB) …I saw the Lord! He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the Temple was filled with his glory.

Beloved, do not lose sight of Who I AM, the brilliance of My majesty, the grandeur of My glory. It is not in pride or arrogance that I tell you to keep your thoughts fixed on this, but rather so your vision will be rightly aligned. My hand is not too small nor My arm to short to address any issue that comes your way. The heavens and earth are My creation, and I AM sovereign. I AM bigger than you know. No problem can look large in comparison to Me.

So let My glory overwhelm you and fill your eyes with My splendor, know Who it is that is on your side for I AM for you and not against you. I AM the Lord of Hosts – YHVH Sabaoth – and there are far more for you than there are against you. Do not let the enemy tempt you to discouragement and defeat simply by his taunts. He is a liar and the father of lies. I AM truth and I rule in righteousness. Like a child trying to fight a grown man, there may appear to be a struggle, but in the end there is no question of who will win.

Love Like Me

Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others]…

Beloved, to be like Me you must walk in love; thinking of others’ needs above your own and considering their interests and feelings. Bear with them in love. Take the high road, walking in humility even in moments when your flesh is screaming. Love.

I’m not asking you to let others use or abuse you; there are moments to stand fast, but there are moments to yield even when your flesh cries to be defensive or offended, but instead you walk like Me: in love. In understanding. In humility. I AM with you. I will strengthen you. Be known for your love.

Ephesians 4:2 (VOICE) Be humble. Be gentle. Be patient. Tolerate one another in an atmosphere thick with love.