- Testimony: “Anointing of His Power” special order Dyed4you Art flags called Eagle Warrior 🦅 (on Etsy)
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): Be Contrite {Moments with God}
- Dyed4you Art: Refine Me
- Dyed4you Readymade: special order Dyed4you Art flags called Eagle Warrior 🦅 (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW posts called “Minding the Thorns (Leviticus 26)” and “Wisdom – Proverbs 3”
Eat, Sleep, and Be Merry
1 Kings 19:4-5 (VOICE) He journeyed into the desert for one day and then decided to rest beneath the limbs of a broom tree. There he prayed that his life would be over quickly and that he would die there beneath the tree. Elijah: I’m finished, Eternal One. Please end my life here and now , even though I have failed, and I am no better than my ancestors. Elijah then laid himself down under the broom tree and entered into a deep sleep. While he was sleeping, a heavenly messenger came and touched him and gave him instructions. Messenger: Get up, and eat.
Sometimes life and circumstances can feel so overwhelming. There are times we are so frustrated that there aren’t words to really express how we feel; we might even get a little dramatic – like Elijah. The beautiful thing is, Elijah wasn’t in some prayer closet on his knees praying “like he should.” He wasn’t moved to speak to God out of religious routine, it was out of relationship – he was just having a conversation out loud with God. Continue reading “Eat, Sleep, and Be Merry”
Lunchtime Live: Trust that He will Meet You
- Show and tell: Inspired Flow Art Overflowing Grace 24×18 canvas (available on Inspired Flow Art)
- Testimony: color chart testimonials (color charts available on Etsy)
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): Step Boldly Forth
- Dyed4you Art: Fearless Courage
- Dyed4you silk: Manifest Security painted wings (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW posts called “God is Faithful (Even When We Are Not)” and “How-to Follow the Leading of God”
- Daily Downloads from Heaven available on Amazon – more info on the Author Meghan Williams page
Continue reading “Lunchtime Live: Trust that He will Meet You”
Believe in Me
Romans 10:10 (VOICE) Belief begins in the heart and leads to a life that’s right with God; confession departs from our lips and brings eternal salvation.
Beloved, look deep in your heart and find My presence there. I AM always with you, and happy to guide you. You have only to seek, only to ask. I AM here. Believe in Me. Put your trust in Me.
Regardless of what the world says, determine what you will say. What will the confession of your faith be? Will your words and your walk bring credence to your confession of faith? Or will they belie it? Beloved, believe in Me. Then walk and speak as one who does. Continue reading “Believe in Me”
I Am Life
I produce life. Everything I do is life! The opposite is also true. Everything the enemy does is death! Sin and disease are death. Continue reading “I Am Life”
The Depths of My Wisdom
Proverbs 2:6 (VOICE) The Eternal is ready to share His wisdom with us, for His words bring true knowledge and insight;
Beloved, I have so much to share, but to hear it you must quiet yourself and listen. If you have something of value to share and the person you want to share it with is giving you little to no attention, does that foster your desire to share? Absolutely not. And often if you power through and share it anyway, it’s treated lightly or as though it has no value, which diminishes the gift that’s been given.
In the same way, beloved, I will not chase after you trying to share the depths of My mysteries. Those come only through your time and pursuit. But, beloved, they are well worth the effort, and here and available if you take time to abide. So seek Me while I may be found, and open yourself to the depths of My wisdom.
Demonstrate Fruitfulness
John 15:8 (TPT) When your lives bear abundant fruit, you demonstrate that you are my mature disciples who glorify my Father!
Beloved, you have the choice to bear fruit or not. However, it is not enough to choose to “bear fruit,” then do nothing to cultivate fruitfulness. In the same way you can’t decide to grow a crop, but never plant or tend it; or desire a healthy body, all the while resisting exercise and indulging in poor eating. The decision – the desire for a specific outcome – is not enough. You must align your actions with the outcome.
In the same way, if you decide you want to be fruitful, you must nourish yourself in my Word and be watered by My presence. Then bearing fruit won’t even be a conscious decision because it will be inevitable. It will come springing forth as a natural result of being fed and saturated in Me. It demonstrates maturity. You won’t need to tell anyone that you’re fruitful, for it will be clearly visible for all to see – your fruit giving glory to the One who has nurtured it.
So demonstrate fruitfulness, beloved. Abide in My presence and meditate on My Word. Choose Me and watch as you overflow, bearing fruit and doing so abundantly.
A Beautiful Display
Matthew 5:14 (NLT) You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.
Beloved, light and life have been deposited in you. I exhort you to be intentional about sharing it. I do not bestow gifts upon you simply for your own benefit and pleasure, but rather for your use to further My Kingdom.
So shine and shine brightly. Boldly demonstrate the life that comes from one who has surrendered to Me. Death to self is life in Me – and life more abundant. So let it burst forth in glorious clarity, a beautiful display of My life-changing love at work in the hearts of men.
Key to the Kingdom: Guard Your Mouth
Psalm 141:3 (VOICE) Guard my mouth, O Eternal One; control what I say. Keep a careful watch on every word I speak.
Beloved, a fool can be known by the volume of His words, so be slow to speak and weigh each word knowing you will have to answer for each one. So choose to bless rather than curse, to build up rather than tear down, and to speak life rather than death. Resist the urge to indulge in careless or needless words, for you often may not understand their impact until it is too late.
The mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart, so tend the garden of your heart well. Refuse to allow bitterness, anger, or judgment to take root there. Meditate on that which is good. Choose joy and hope and love. Flow from that place and spread life to all those around you from the wellspring of your heart.
First Love
Beloved, I remember when you would not so much as take a step without asking Me if you were supposed to. Nothing shook your walk with Me. You were steadfast – immovable. I long for more of those days. I long for your first love, but something has shifted. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. I have not changed or moved. My heart toward you has not changed. I am ever with you, and I will never forsake you. I have blessed you and bestowed spiritual gifts on you. I have remained the same. Continue reading “First Love”