Psalm 34:18 (VOICE) When someone is hurting or brokenhearted, the Eternal moves in close and revives him in his pain.
Beloved, I love the brokenhearted. I draw near to them, and I bind up their wounds that they may be healed. Are you willing to be My hands and feet? Are you willing to love like Me? To stay with someone in their brokenness and pain, asking and expecting nothing, simply lavishing life-changing love because you are able?
Resist the urge to fix or counsel, beloved, even when it seems so easy or obvious to you. If My breath isn’t on your words and My Spirit isn’t giving unction, they will not just fall on deaf ears but may cause further injury.
Rather, lavish your love unconditionally because that is how I have loved you. Love without reserve or expectation. Simply love. Freely you have received; freely give. Continue reading “Love the Brokenhearted”