Choose Holiness 

Exodus 28:36 (KJV) And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, and grave upon it, like the engravings of a signet, Holiness To The Lord.

Beloved, just as I had the high priest wear the engraving “Holiness to the Lord” against his forehead – a frontlet between his eyes – so you must keep your mind’s eye fixed on holiness. Choose it. Be intentional about it. Choose it out of love for Me, because it is pleasing to Me, and choose it for yourself, because it is good for you.

I am Elohim Qadosh, the Holy God. You are made in My image, walk like Me. I know that even as you try to be holy there will be times you fall short, but beloved, don’t allow a lack of perfection to discourage you from even trying. Not being able to perfectly execute something does not absolve you of the responsibility of trying. Choose rightly, beloved. No matter what the world says, choose well. Resist temptation – you are able. I AM with you to strengthen you. Be holy as I AM holy. Continue reading “Choose Holiness “

Able and Willing 

Psalm 40:5 (CJB) How much you have done, Adonai my God! Your wonders and your thoughts toward us — none can compare with you! I would proclaim them, I would speak about them; but there’s too much to tell!

Beloved, I AM the God of Wonders. Pause and behold My handiwork. See Me for who I AM. Do not allow doubt or circumstances to minimize Me in your eyes. Nothing is too hard for Me. And I love you. You are My beloved, My heart, apple of My eye, and center of My world.

Do you think that I could part the seas, but somehow be incapable of moving on your behalf? Or perhaps you think Me able but unwilling? Don’t fall prey to those lies, trust Me. Trust My plans for you, and yield to Me. Look with wonder upon My glory. Watch Me in action. Refuse to be moved or shaken. Know that I AM God.

Accurately Reflect Me 

Luke 17:1-3 (GW) …how horrible it will be for the person who causes someone to lose his faith! It would be best for that person to be thrown into the sea with a large stone hung around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to lose his faith. So watch yourselves!…

Beloved, be mindful of your actions and how they affect others. Yes, you each have personal responsibility for your choices, but you do not want to be the one to cause someone to stumble or fall away just as you don’t want someone to cause you to stumble or fall away.

Therefore it is vital you be like Me. Love like Me. Accurately reflect Me. This cannot be stressed enough. I see the full impact of careless words and thoughtless actions, and if you could fully grasp the effect they have you would feel the weight of them. They are not to be taken lightly.

My Word is there to instruct you in how to live. Beloved, eat it as though you were a starving man. It is good and nourishing to your soul. It brings forth life and teaches you to be like Me. So immerse yourself. Be saturated by the water of My word that you might pour out that living water in a dry and thirsty land.

Bring Hope

John 3:17 (TLB) God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

Beloved, too often My children rejoice in judgment; self-congratulating as they take note the areas they have “right” and highlighting the struggles and sins of others. That does not reflect My heart. I cannot rejoice at progress made in My child’s life if it’s intentionally contrasted to the downfalls of another. I want that not one might be lost.

Find ways to rejoice in your victories without comparison, for comparison isn’t how I measure. This is a good thing for all have sinned and fallen short but One.

So be intentional to bring hope. Say “because I have done this you can too!” Offer encouragement, prayer, and gentle counsel when it is sought. Love like Me. Be known for the love you exude. Shower those around you with hope. Believe the best. See the best. Encourage. Reflect My heart.

Resist the Temptation to Doubt

Genesis 21:1 (VOICE) The Eternal One kept His promise

Beloved, I AM not a man that I should lie. Nor the son of man that I should repent. I AM infallible. Unchanging. Steadfast. I always keep My promises. I AM faithful from generation to generation. I AM slandered and accused, yet I remain the same: deeply in love with My people.

Resist the temptation to doubt Me when time goes long and the wait becomes agonizing. My plans and timing are for your good. Wait in patience, trusting Me. Do not make an idol of your desire to understand or demand that I explain Myself to you. Am I not God? Would you sit in judgment of My reasoning? Surely not!

You are My child. My beloved one. My heart towards you is good. Trust Me. Believe in My love, kindness, and affection for you, for when you know – truly know – there is no room to doubt My heart for you. My love for you is that great. Overwhelming. Bask in that love as you wait, knowing I AM true to My word.

Numbers 23:19 (GW) God is not like people. He tells no lies. He is not like humans. He doesn’t change his mind. When he says something, he does it. When he makes a promise, he keeps it.