{vision} One day as I was praying for wisdom in carrying out a long-term goal, I saw a vision of a Christmas tree with presents beneath it. In my spirit, I saw myself waking up each morning like I did as a child on Christmas morning—with a feeling of excitement, expectation, and hope.
{vision} Holy Spirit is bringing to mind a graphic I worked on for social media. It was a picture of a man with his eyes closed and a peaceful expression on his face. He was listening. I overlaid the photo of sound waves to represent someone who was listening with their spiritual ears, listening for the frequency of the Father’s heart.
God speaks in so many ways. When we really stop to think about it, His voice is resonating in all of creation. In the beginning, He spoke creation into existence, and every particle conformed to His will. To this day, those particles still resonate with God’s initial commands.Continue reading “Tune Into His Voice”
The name of your silk is HaShem (The Name). The colors in it are:
Dark red representing overwhelming love of God
Ruby representing being of immeasurable worth
Burgundy representing belonging to the Lord
Brandy representing the sweetness of His name
Dark gray representing fear of the Lord
Black representing mystery
The scriptures that go with it are:
Proverbs 18:10 (NLT) The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.
Deuteronomy 28:58-59 (VOICE)If you don’t carefully obey every word of this law that’s written in this book, if you don’t fear your God’s glorious and awesome name, “Eternal One,” then He will strike you and your descendants with extraordinary plagues that will be widespread and long-lasting, with serious, persistent illnesses.
Psalm 72:19 (VOICE) May His glorious name be blessed forever and the whole earth be filled with His eternal glory! Amen. Amen.
This is our Yahweh flag, which which features our Batach YHVH (Trust the Lord) silk. This flag is part of our “Names of God” Dyed4you Art flag line. Each of these flags feature an image of a related Dyed4you silk, the word for which is included as part of the word that goes with this flag. Additionally, these flags are anointed with the same oils as the original silks. Continue reading “Dyed4you Art Flag: Yahweh”
“In His Marvelous Light” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art
Beloved, just as flowers flourish in the light of the sun, you were created to blossom in the light of My countenance. When My face is turned towards you, My blessing, favor, and honor abound towards you. Indeed, I designed your very being to respond to and flourish in My Presence. Just as creation responded to My voice in the beginning, so the potential I’ve placed within you naturally springs forth in response to My Light. Continue reading “Blossom in the Light of My Countenance”
{vision} I saw different American Olympic athletes posing as if for a photoshoot meant to display their new team uniforms. What stood out to me was that, although the athletes had different types of uniforms based on their sport, all of the uniforms used the same set of colors. (Royal blue was the predominant color.) The consistency of the color is what would make it clear to others that they were all on the same team.Continue reading “In the Form of Christ”
“Blessed Beyond a Curse” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art
Genesis 12:2 (VOICE) I have plans to make a great people from your descendants. And I am going to put a special blessing on you and cause your reputation to grow so that you will become a blessing and example to others.
I remember some years ago when someone gave me a word of the LORD saying, “You are a daughter of blessing.” I was surprised by how deeply these words affected me. All at once, I recognized how they bore witness as truth in my spirit, however, my mind had trouble accepting what God was saying. Me? A blessing?
I realized that, on some level, I saw myself more like God’s problem child than a vessel of His blessing. Do you ever struggle with that feeling that you are unclean and that anything you put your hand to might crumble or become cursed? Do you feel more like a bad son or daughter instead of one that is beloved and highly favored? This has been my particular “identity crisis” for many years.
As God has walked me through different seasons, I’ve come to see how negative words and mistreatment from others sent me a message that did not agree with how God saw me. As I began to look back over my life with the eyes of the Spirit, I could recognize the overwhelming love, grace, and favor of God over me even through all of the trials. Many devices of the darkness had come along in an attempt to destroy me and keep me from the truth that I am a beloved daughter of the King. Yet no power can stop the fierce love of God! No matter what word curses have been spoken or what difficult circumstances I have faced, I cannot deny the incredible favor God has given me along the way.
This pattern in my life very much mirrors the life of Joseph. Though Joseph was hated by his brothers, enslaved, and eventually imprisoned, God shone his favor upon Joseph at every step. His favor manifested in the honor Joseph received from his father and through the position of authority he was given in both Potiphar’s household and in Egypt’s prison. Finally, at just the right time, God’s favor shone so brightly upon Joseph before Pharaoh that it opened the door for Joseph’s promotion as second in command of all of Egypt. Nothing could separate Joseph from the love of God!
Even so, I wouldn’t be surprised if, through all of Joseph’s trials, he struggled to believe that he was as highly favored as his prophetic dreams suggested (Genesis 37:4-11). It would have been easy for him to believe he was God’s problem child. Like many of us, Joseph may have even seen himself as the source of all the troubles he faced.
Yet God’s hand of blessing upon Joseph is undeniable. Even more, Joseph was a vessel of God’s blessings. The favor God poured out upon Joseph overflowed onto others. Joseph was a blessing to his family, Potiphar’s household, Egypt’s prison, and eventually Egypt and all the world. God’s hand of power was seen greatly when He gave Joseph the interpretation for Pharaoh’s dreams and the accompanying wisdom that would see the world through the coming famine.
Just like Joseph and just like Christ, the ultimate suffering servant of God, we too have been created to be vessels of blessing. We have been created to be temples of the living God. When He pours His Spirit upon us, the blessings of the Spirit overflow into the lives of others. We touch the world with anointed hands, releasing the Kingdom of God in everything and everyone that we touch.
Therefore, children of God, lift up your heads. You are not broken. You are not a problem and no longer a vehicle of darkness and sin. In fact, now that you are in Christ, you are God’s solution, a child of the light in a fallen world! Remember who you are and whose you are. You are a much-loved son or daughter of the Most High God. He has placed the Kingdom of Heaven within you and has ordained that you are the vessel through which His blessings will flow.
Luke 2:52 (NIV) And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Deuteronomy 33:13-16 (VOICE)About Joseph he said, Moses: May his land be blessed by the Eternal with the best the sky has to offer—abundant rains—and with the dew and the waters that lie below the ground. May it be blessed with the best the sun can produce and the best crops of each month, With the best that grows on the ancient mountains and the everlasting hills, With the best the land has to offer when it’s filled with good things, And most of all may it be blessed with the favor of the One who appeared in the burning bush. Let all these blessings rest on Joseph’s head, on the head of this prince among his brothers.
Beloved, you are called to be one – echad (Hebrew for one H259). Just as “The LORD is our God, the LORD is one” Deuteronomy 6:4 (NET). You are one Body of Christ. United in Me. Therefore, you must choose to walk in humility and grace that harmony may come forth. Truly be known by your love.Continue reading “Better Together”
Beloved, I call you this day to a new place of awareness. I have touched your lips and called you to speak for Me. Like a wire that is brought to life when it is charged with electricity, so My anointing elevates your speech out of the mundane and gives power to the words that fall from your lips. Continue reading “Let It Rain”
I have always been fascinated by God’s words to the Israelites concerning the process by which He would empower them to dispossess the promised land of the nations that were there:
Deuteronomy 7:21-22 (VOICE) So don’t be so terrified of these other nations—the Eternal your God is with you. He’s a great and awesome God! But He will drive out these nations ahead of you only little by little. You won’t be able to finish them off all at once because if you did, the wild animals would reproduce rapidly in the empty land and that would be dangerous.