In my previous post, Celebrate Each Breakthrough, we talk about being intentional to celebrate each breakthrough – whether great or small – because in doing so we cultivate a space for more breakthrough to happen. As we focus with gratitude on the victories, we make room for God to bring more. Continue reading “Incremental Breakthroughs and Managing Our Expectations”
Trust Me
Proverbs 3:5 (AMPC) “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.”
Deuteronomy 1:29 …”Don’t be scared! Don’t be afraid… You won’t have to fight this battle yourselves; the Eternal your God, who always goes ahead of you, will fight for you… haven’t you seen the Eternal, your True God, carrying you the way a parent carries a child? … He always goes ahead of you… He always shows you the right way to go.”
Daughter, {hearing the tender sound of His voice} I see you. I see your pain. I know it has not been easy for you. Yes, I do see the battle raging—trust Me, you are not alone. Refuse to fight this battle in your own strength—your efforts have left you wounded. You’re feeling hurt, tired and alone. Come, {hand reaching} allow Me to lead the way {wipes tears, takes hand}. Breathe, daughter. {takes a shallow breath} Breathe deep. {pauses, close her eyes and breathes deep. As she breathes she releases the tension and tears begin to stream as she let’s go of all fear and anxiety. As she breathes deep she can feel strength being restored and a renewed sense of peace and trust}. “Look around! Do you see Heaven’s armies?! I told you, you are not alone.” {She opens her eyes. She is overlooking a large city filled with multitudes of Angels who are fighting on her behalf} Continue reading “Trust Me”
Wings of Faith
Matthew 14:27-29 (AMPC) But instantly He spoke to them, saying, Take courage! I Am! Stop being afraid! And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water. He said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, and he came toward Jesus.
My child, remember that courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is the choice you make to move in accordance with My guiding in spite of your fears. Do not fret if your heart still trembles as you take bold steps in the direction I call you. Like a muscle that becomes strengthened through constant resistance training, so your confidence will be built through repeated resistance of fear. Fear will lose its hold as you repeatedly make the choice to trust Me. Continue reading “Wings of Faith”
Reign of the Eternal

1 John 4:13 (VOICE) How can we be sure that He truly lives in us and that we truly live in Him? By one fact: He has given us His Spirit.
In a vision, I saw the Father shaking a sunflower over His child. Water droplets fell from the sunflower and upon the childlike rain. I sensed that the essence of the sunflower was transferred into the water. Therefore, it was clear that the essence of the sunflower would saturate the child that the Father was sprinkling. Continue reading “Reign of the Eternal”
Lead the Charge

My vessel, you have been anointed for war. Even more, I have called you to lead others into battle. You know well that the weapons you wield are mighty in Me and not of this earth. I have anointed you with breakthrough power and might by My Spirit. Long-standing hinderances to the manifestation of My Kingdom will crumble when you lift up My Word as a banner. Through Me, you will overcome. Continue reading “Lead the Charge”
To Love and Fear God

Deuteronomy 10:12 (VOICE) And now, Israel, what is the Eternal your God asking of you? Only that you fear Him, live as He wants you to, and love Him; serve Him with every part of you, heart and soul;
For much of my faith journey, I have struggled to understand how a believer can both fear and love God. It always seemed that fear and love were an antithesis to one another. Through many preachers I had been told that God had the right to wipe me from existence for any one of my sins. How could I love and get close to someone who had the power to take my life? Continue reading “To Love and Fear God”
Covenant Partnership
Deuteronomy 7:9 (VOICE) I want you to know that the Eternal your God is the only true God. He’s the faithful God who keeps His covenants and shows loyal love for a thousand generations to those who in return love Him and keep His commands.
As I have walked with God, there have been numerous times when He reaffirms His personal promises to me. When He does this, it is always in a time when my hope in those promises needs some resuscitation. God is so gracious. He knows how hard it is for us to hang onto His promises through the storms of life. He sees all and knows with certainty that His plan for us is good and well worth the wait. But God also knows that we desperately need His strength to hold onto His Word. As difficult as waiting on God can be at times, I have to say that I am always challenged and changed as God reveals Himself to me throughout the waiting process. Continue reading “Covenant Partnership”
The Only True God
Deuteronomy 7:9 (VOICE) I want you to know that the Eternal your God is the only true God. He’s the faithful God who keeps His covenants and shows loyal love for a thousand generations to those who in return love Him and keep His commands.
Beloved, will you be faithful? Will you write My Word upon your heart and act from its overflow? Will you choose to love sacrificially for Me? Will you put keeping My commands above the opinions of man and your own flawed judgment? I AM righteous. I AM holy. I AM worthy of your unbridled devotion. So choose Me. I AM your God.
I AM faithful and I AM true. I remember My promises and act upon them with perfect accuracy. I remember My faithful ones long after they have left the earth, and repay their faithfulness from generation to generation. I AM a good God. I AM the only true God, and I AM yours. Be intentional in your devotion to Me.
You are My Light
You are My Light. Go to the nations. Seek out My Name. Seek out My inheritance.(sensing a challenge to go into the dark places and discover His hidden treasures like Rahab, whom the spies found in Jericho. (Exodus 2:1-21)
Display My glory for all to see. Rejoice in Me beloved. Rejoice in Me and shine My light to the nations. Shine My light. Restore My light where it has been quenched. Restore My light where it has been lost. (Sensing a command to go into countries and places where persecution has shut down the visible or physical church and His sheep are struggling with fear, hopelessness and despair.) Restore My light to my little ones. Restore My light to the generations that have been lost in the darkness. Continue reading “You are My Light”
The Only One Who is Worthy
Deuteronomy 13:4 (VOICE) Remain loyal to Him! Fear Him and obey His commands. Listen to His voice. Worship Him alone. Be fervently devoted to Him.
Beloved, I AM worthy of your steadfast devotion. Resist the urge to lavish your time and attention on things that are of no consequence or value. Refuse to be lulled into a sense of complacency or become so engrossed in entertainment that you become numb to real life.
The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Refuse to be taken down without resistance simply because you’ve become too lethargic to care. Ask Me to align your heart with My own, that you might know what matters and what is of no-account. Beloved, waste your life on Me – the only One who is worthy – pour yourself out like a drink offering upon My altar, wholly acceptable and highly pleasing to Me.