Recently, one evening, I felt the urge to spend time with the Father. I spoke, “Come, Lord Jesus! Come, Spirit of the Lord, fall on me and fill me with Your glory!” Soon, I saw a vision of a potter’s hands working on a clay vessel that was spinning on his wheel. I heard the words, “Released into the Potter’s hands.” Continue reading “Life on the Potter’s Wheel”
Seated at the Throne/Table

As I was soaking in God’s presence, my hands were pressed against the Lord’s hands, I was praying in tongues. I felt the tangible glory, then suddenly I was in a vision. I was in heaven at the Throne of God! Continue reading “Seated at the Throne/Table”
You are Loved

In a vision/experience during worship, I was at the foot of God’s throne. A place I had seen many times during prayer and worship. His throne was box shaped and completely coated in like diamond dust, silver and transparent jewels which were radiating the GRACE of God and as I pressed my hands upon the throne I was being filled with the new wine through His Holy Spirit. Continue reading “You are Loved”
Barren No More
I am awakened by the sound of the wind. How I got to the wilderness I don’t know, but I am keenly aware of the ground beneath me. It’s dry and cracked with no life at all. I lift my eyes to look around and all I see is dry, barren, cracked ground. The wind sends the dust from the ground to and fro. I shield my eyes from the bright sun and the dust of this harsh landscape. Continue reading “Barren No More”
His Banner Over Me is Love
{Dream} A tall lean woman with long brown hair down her back fighting against a whipping wind to erect a banner flag on a make shift pole out of a crooked long piece of wood. The banner has the colors of purple and turquoise. There is a tree in the middle that with a closer look are made out of peacock feathers. The phrase running through my head as she is raising this banner is “His Banner Over Me is Love.” The environment gives the sense of a war torn land. It’s dark with the wind whipping like there is a storm yet there is almost a glow of that purple and turquoise that are being reflected from the flag. Continue reading “His Banner Over Me is Love”
The Glory of the Throne Room and the Value of His Presence
The glory of the throne room exists outside of space and time, beloved. The door in the spirit realm stands open – waiting, an invitation for you to step in. Immerse yourself in My presence. Saturate yourself in My glory.
Value Me – value My presence – as the greatest gift imaginable. Just as I have held nothing back in My pursuit of you, hold nothing back in your pursuit of Me. Value Me as the rarest of gems and sacrifice all to have Me. I AM worth the cost. Continue reading “The Glory of the Throne Room and the Value of His Presence”
Pause. Breathe. Meditate.
I see
I care
I know
I AM in control
Pause. Breathe. Meditate. Continue reading “Pause. Breathe. Meditate.”
The Season of It’s TOO Good to be True
Get ready to repeat the phrase, “It’s TOO good to be true!”
As divine surprises are being released from Heaven, presents are falling from Heaven and landing into the hands of God’s children. Those who have sought His presence over presents. Your heart has undergone a purification process. It’s time! Continue reading “The Season of It’s TOO Good to be True”
Field Vision
Close my eyes and see a vision of a field, peaceful green field. In it is a huge towering tree and nearby is a creek winding its way around the out skirts of the field. I see children in the field, mostly young girls at the age of 5-7 years old.
One is running and playing with the tall blades of grass as she freely runs and dances with the twirling of her little skirt and playing with the tall grass with her fingers. Another is bending down exploring a huge caterpillar and wondering where its home is and captured by the need to watch it to move along. She is unaware of anything else but exploring and admiring this little creature. Continue reading “Field Vision”
God of Righteousness
I had a vision of a shallow fast moving river flowing down into a waterfall then onward. A breath of wind moved in and around the river like a ribbon. This vision shifted to an ocean where I could see the depth and layers it carried. Then I could see the river flowing into the ocean. The river joined seamlessly being pulled into the bottom layers of the ocean and then up and over into the waves. The breath of wind had been riding on top of the river and instead of smoothly flowing over the ocean water it pushed against the ocean waves and caused an increase of water droplets spraying upward and outward. Continue reading “God of Righteousness”